Apple is Taking So Long To Unveil New iPhone This Time

It was confirmed by Apple that the iPhone would be launched later this year. Apple CFO, Luca Maestri said, “Last year we started selling new iPhones in late September, this year we expect supply to be available a few weeks later”, in Apple’s Q3 2020 earnings call today.

While saying what to anticipate from Apple during Apple’s fiscal Q4 2020, Maestri said that Apple started selling new iPhones in September 2019. This year, Maestri says, Apple now wants the new iPhones to arrive a few weeks later.

Though, this is not revealed by Maestri why the supply of iPhone is delayed this year. But these rumors have been spreading throughout for months. According to The Wall Street Journal’s previous report, it was rumored that Apple has delayed its mass production of the latest handsets. Qualcomm has also hinted the same earlier this week. It has highlighted a “partial impact from the delay of a global 5G flagship phone launch”.

This is not the first time

Apple usually reveals the latest iPhones in September every year. The company begins shipping the device worldwise before the end of the same month. But this time it is not clear if the devices will be ready even until October. There are rumors that Apple can choose to unveil the latest handsets by the company during its mega event in September.

This is not for the first time that Apple is delaying the shipping of the new handsets. Like this year’s delayed shipping of iPhones, the iPhone X was also announced along with iPhone 8 in 2017 September. But the handset has not arrived in the stores till November because of the production issues. The same has happened with the iPhone XR by Apple. iPhone XR was announced in 2018, in September. But it came to stores in October. It was due to the issues that were faced by Apple with the LCD display, as the report suggested.

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