Netflix Plans To Own Its Own Movie Franchise Entertainment

Netflix Plans To Own Its Own Movie Franchise

The head of the production of Netflix, Tendo Nagenda said that Netflix is planning to open its own adventure movie franchise in the streak of Star Wars and Harry Potter kind of series. In the beginning, Netflix started as a DVD mail service. Later it expanded to offer online streaming content. It has even killed the traditional video chains like Blockbuster. In the latest years, Netflix has dominated the TV by producing a large number of TV dramas. It even has created their own streaming services like HBO Max so as to compete. 

Chris Hemsworth Extraction

But, Netflix has not been able to compete with blockbuster movies. The streaming giant has focused more on adult actions like Extraction, The Old Guard, and Bright. These all have attracted a number of views. Also, the streaming giant has produced Oscar Worthy movies like The Irishman, Marriage Story, and Roma. They need to create a blockbuster franchise to compete with the series that Nagenda has mentioned. 

It Is A Dream Project

Nagenda has told THR that the next steps would be to take on big franchises. Netflix appeals to the broader audience about the “dream project” of owning movie franchise.

Harry Potter Professor or Auror Entertainment

He said, “We’re looking at big, broad-audience, PG-level adventure films as something that we want to get into. Something along the lines of the first Star Wars, or Harry Potter 1 and 2. A lot of family live-action, fantasy, spectacle movies that we think are big and can play great. A Jumanji-type of story. That is the next frontier …We want to encourage great talent to think that way. George Lucas created Star Wars — it wasn’t based on a book. If you have that kind of imagination — like the Wachowskis with The Matrix — we feel like we’re the place to take the chance on those types of innovative ideas and filmmakers.”

Nagenda said that he will be attracting big names as filmmakers to the service. The deal should be attractive to the filmmakers because they will be known for the theater experiences. He has mentioned Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino and they would make other studios worried.

Netflix has proved to be successful. It has not managed to replace the movies that fans love to watch in theaters. Though, Nagenda has made it clear that this would be their next target. If they are prosperous in undertaking a Star Wars or Harry Potter-type franchise, then they could alter the way blockbusters are broadcasted forever.

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