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The X-Men Just Lost Their Cerebro Sword to X-Force

X-Men lose their most hazardous weapon, the Cerebro Sword to X-Force.

X-Men lost their dangerous weapon, the Cerebro Sword to X-Force. The organization of the nation of Krakoa has caused political unrest on a remarkable scale. Anti mutant forces are getting momentum, with Brazil, Russia, and Madripoor coordinating to create anti-mutant technology. This time, X-Men has found them on the back foot, while dealing with threats and new forces of the enemy. 

It all escalates in X-Force #11, where X-Men unleashed a band of mutant killers on the island home. 

The beasts realize their way around, by breaking into Sage’s data-center. They locate the key junctures across Krakoa. A league of them then turn Forge’s armory against the X-Men. They do so by using the organic projectiles and weapons that Forge has created to induce carnage. In between the chaos, one of them attains its true goal.

He obtains the Cerebro Sword. This sword was created by Magneto, established from the decayed Cerebro unit Charles Xavier was wearing while being assassinated. 

The Professor was resurrected and Magneto gave Xavier the Cerebro Sword. “Every now and then the sword would wink or glimmer with light or hum with the data still coursing through it.” It is revealed in a data-page of X-Force #3. “Cerebro was broken, but forged anew and refined, like Xavier’s Dream.”

Why Do They Want The Cerebro Sword?

X-men Lost The Cerebro Sword To The X-Force, This Is How It Follows Comics

This might be because they believe it has Cerebro technology. It is connected to the network that Xavier uses to store the minds of mutants in the world. 

Long term readers will be remembering X-Men: God Loves. It suggests that Cerebro technology could be used to strengthen the telepath. 

The Cerebro Sword has incredible destructive capacity. It is the most problematic thing that the X-Men have no idea that it’s been taken.

This is an obvious setup for the forthcoming”X of Swords” event. 

Promotional images have shown Charles Xavier wielding the Cerebro Sword. So this arc will feature the X-Men race to procure it.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.