Superman's Gladiator Costume TrendingETC

A Shocking New Place for Superman’s “Gladiator” Costume in the DC Canon

The DC Universe has given Superman’s gladiator gear a brand-new application as Lois Lane and Kal-El put the armor to use for.. extracurricular activities.

As Jon Kent just found his father’s gladiator armor in their home, it was indicated that one of Superman’s more recent outfits would be utilized for non-superheroic purposes. Lois Lane was ashamed and told her son not to snoop through her possessions. DC indicates that Kal-El and Lane’s love interactions use Superman’s gladiator gear from the Warworld Saga.

Superman makes his way back to Earth in Action Comics #1051, written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval, Matt Herms, and Dave Sharpe for DC Comics, as the Super-Family congregates at Lois Lane and Kal-apartment. El’s When Jon Kent visits his parents’ room to hunt for a board game to play with his recently adopted siblings Osul-Ra and Otho-Ra, he accidentally opens a wardrobe and discovers Superman’s gladiator armor, complete with chains. Jon is utterly frightened by what he’s found as Lois Lane shuts the door. In an awkward reminder, Lois offers her son the same personal space she has given him.

For a while, Superman has been absent from Earth.


Superman and Lois Lane haven’t been able to be together since Kal-recent El’s arrival because the hero was away from Earth rescuing slaves from Mongul’s oppressive rule on Warworld. As a result, Lois Lane and her superhero spouse were presumably eager to engage in physical contact once more, with their pretend relationship involving Superman’s gladiator gear. Although it’s sad that Jon Kent found the armor, Lois and Superman have been apart for so long that it’s more than understandable for the two to get steamy in bed.

Despite the incredibly serious plot, Superman has rarely been depicted as sexier as he did in the Warworld Saga, where his muscular figure was on full display while wearing his crest and chains. Even though Jon had to be hilariously informed about it, it seems sensible that Lois Lane and Superman would adopt the gladiator style in the bedroom as it wouldn’t appear out of place on a Harlequin romance cover.

So even though it’s ultimately terrible that Jon Kent came to know about his parents’ gladiator roleplay in the bedroom, it’s actually reassuring to see that Superman and Lois can finally enjoy their time together again – as long as they make things a little eerie by using the armor. In DC Comics’ Action Comics #1051, which is currently available in comic book stores, readers can witness Jon Kent find Superman’s armor.