Covid-19 Vaccine Alexa

Alexa Can Now Tell Where To Find The Covid-19 Vaccine

Alexa is now helping people call Covid-19 vaccination sites.

Amazon announced recently that Amazon’s Alexa-enabled devices are now helping direct users to Covid-19 vaccination sites. Alexa is giving its users a list of nearby places to get a shot of the Covid-19 vaccine, they simply have to ask,  “Alexa, where can I get a COVID vaccine?” After the users get the list there is also a provision for them to ask Alexa to call a vaccination site. Amazon said in a blog post that this will help the users get information about appointment availability.

Alexa Covid 19

It is easier for elderly people to make appointments for the Covid-19 vaccination through phone call rather than using the internet to book a slot and thus this feature especially helps them. Earlier this year in February, Amazon introduced an Alexa feature that directed people to Covid-19 Testing sites. After every state met with President Joe Biden’s deadline to open up access by April 19th, every adult in the US is now eligible to take the Covid-19 Vaccine. The Biden administration has said 90% of the people in America should have a vaccination site within five miles reach from their home.

Alexa Update

Amazon also set up some pop-up vaccine clinics in Seattle and is currently working with health officials to vaccinate their frontline workers in a bunch of states. More than half of US adults have already received the first dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine

Hi! I am Anushka Basu. I'm a student of Journalism and Mass communication and an ardent binge-watcher. Writing is a passion for me and my goal is to put forth my ideas and views before the readers in an effortless manner.