All The Robin

All The Robin, Caped Crusader Adopted

Today we will be looking at all the ‘Robin’. No! not the birds, the sidekicks of Batman. To be exact there are 5, though we usually talk about 4. So Today we have a go through of all the Robins, the Caped Crusader has adopted.

Before moving forward, a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will diving through the past, and the future of these characters. Now that you have been warned let’s get started.

Richard Grayson

Richard Grayson Night Wing

The first Robin is Richard Grayson more famously known as Dick Grayson. His parents, The Flying Grayson was killed in their circus and Bruce Wayne witnessed this murder. Having sympathy towards the boy, The Wayne adopts him and makes him Robin. Over the years they both fought crime and their relationship got distant. And after Dick hit Late puberty, he started his own Superhero team known as the Teen Titans with Dick going by the name of Night Wing instead of Robin.

Jason Todd

Jason Todd

One-night Batman finds Jason Todd trying to steal hubcaps from the Batmobile instead of taking action he realized what the boy needs are guidance. Saving him from his abusive parents Batman made him the new Robin. After fighting together for a while, Jason was captured by the Joker and was tortured. And after blowing the warehouse in which Jason was in, his fate was left to the fans through a fan poll. The fan chose to kill him. But after some reality altering shenanigans, he was bought back to life as the Criminal Red Hood, but after a while turns anti-hero with the same name.

Tim Drake

Tim Drake & Batman

The third Robin, Tim Drake came shortly after the death of Jason Todd as emotional support to Batman. Tim Drake became the third Robin and he is considered to be the brainy robin who was good at detective stuff in front of the former Robins. Time Drake saved Batman from going all haywire after Jason’s death. Eventually, he turns into a hero Named as Red Robin. And after some Reality altering shenanigans, he becomes evil and led his own team known as The Rebooted Teen Titans. But as time went on, he turns better and came back to the Batman.

Stephanie Brown and Damian Wayne

Stephanie Brown and Damian Wayne

The 4th robin was Stephanie Brown but was killed after a few weeks of crime-fighting with the Bat. And once again after so reality-altering shenanigans, the 4th and the current Robin are Damian Wayne. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and the villainous Tahlia Al-Ghoul. He became Robin when Batman was killed and Dick Grayson took the Title. But Bruce Wayne came back and then Damian starts working with his Father. Later Damian was killed by an evil Batman Clone made by his mother and the corpse got stolen by Darkseid. Batman then wears the infamous Hellbat suit to go and fight Darkseid and in the end saved his son. After a while, Damian also joins the Teen Titans with having Nightwing as their leader.

And with no current Robin by his side, Batman stands alone in his one-man crusade against Crime, except Alfred, and Azrael and the GCPD and Batwoman, and the Birds of Prey and the Outsiders and the Justice League. Not as alone as you think he is, is he now?