Antebellum Will Be Available To Watch Soon In September Entertainment

Antebellum Will Be Available To Watch Soon In September

The new trend of releasing movies directly to PVOD has begun. It has even reached Antebellum. Antebellum, the Lionsgate picture was earlier scheduled to reach cinemas in April this year. But it later pushed to August. Now they have decided to release it online in September. On 18th September, Antebellum will be available for the viewers. 

Credits – Lionsgate Movies

Antebellum is one of the most anticipated horror pictures of the year. It stars Janelle Monáe as an author. She finds herself back in time to the slavery period in America. She has to fight and struggle to return to the present. Antebellum has received unimaginable buzz after the trailer was dropped out. 


The directors, Gerard Bush, and Christopher Renz have commented on their decision of choosing PVOD. “While we designed Antebellum to be consumed as a communal experience in the theater, we are thrilled by the unique opportunity we have to pivot to a different kind of communal moment in our culture. As we face the realities of systemic racism in our country, which have crescendoed to this current inflection point in 2020, we understand how imperative it is to bring Antebellum to the broadest audience possible, while also prioritizing health and safety. It is our ardent hope that by sharing our film widely, both nationally and internationally, we will transform the moviegoing experience from home into a true event.”

Antebellum Will Be Available To Watch Soon In September Poster Entertainment

Antebellum will not be getting a theatrical release. Though, the potential of reaching more audiences has now increased. The timeliness with Black Lives Matter protest has already highlighted racism in the US. And it should be supported with the help of the film. And thus, it could be another hit. 

This does not seem to be the last film of this year, to attain the PVOD strategy. However, the decision of delaying Black Widow more completely relies on the performance of Mulan on Disney Plus. The performance could open doors for many huge titles in 2020.

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