Secure Video Confrencing App

Are these Other Video Conferencing Apps secure?

The privacy policies of Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx were analysed by Consumer Reports and it was found that they might be collecting more data than they need and even more than most of us will ever realize.

The Privacy Policies of Video Conferencing apps:

Zoom Video Conferencing App

However, Consumer Reports in no way means these applications are unsafe to use, in fact, a separate report released by Mozilla stated that almost all crucial videoconferencing app needs to meet its basic security standards. They all have their privacy policies and once you agree to these privacy policies, your personal data can easily be accessed by companies like Google and Microsoft. The Report says that all 3 companies reserve the right to access all personal information from your calls like who all are participating in the call and for how long the call lasts, even the IP address of every participant of the video call.

Is ZOOM the only app to face security issues?

Video Conferencing Apps

While the world is dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic and is under complete Lockdown, Video conferencing is what people are relying on and is the only source of communication we can use in this time of Social Distancing. People have started examining the security measures and privacy policies of these apps. While we all know that ZOOM app that has become popular for video conferencing among everyone in today’s date and time sucks when it comes to security issues. So, it’s important to know what data of ours might be collected by companies like Microsoft, Google, and Cisco.

While these companies never mention what kind of personal data is being collected by them. Consumer Reports states that the data collected by these companies could be combined with whatever information they get from other online sources and a proper profile of users might be created.

Also talking about these videos being used as a means of advertisement, these companies told Consumer Reports that they do not use the recording of the meetings for their advertisements and that they only record the videos when they are asked to, by their users.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.