
Endgame Theory: Has Captain America Changed Timeline Due to Repaired Shield?

Captain America returns as an older man who is left with no power with him. Captain America has fixed his broken shield but he hands it to Falcon, but how, has not been revealed till he hands it over.

Captain America returns as an old Steve Rogers having no superpowers. His shield has been completely destroyed during his battle with Thanos. whereas, it has been shown that the shield is in a perfect state when he passes it to Falcon.

Marvel has never displayed as of how the shield has been fixed. Is it proof that Steve Rogers has marked a different timeline for him?

It is a five years gap in between. Captain America reunites with his shield after five long years, which has been damaged while he was fighting with Thanos during the final battle.

He reveals that he has been living a good life with Peggy, after he returns the gems he has had earlier. He also reveals that he has come only to pass the shield to Falcon.


Fans asked Joe and Anthony Russo (directors), a series of questions that revolve around the same plot. The answers were different from what the writer (Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely) had replied.

They have replied that Steve Rogers has marked a new timeline, where he has decided himself to stay with Peggy. Whereas, the writers call it as a part of the community.

If Reports are to be believed, they suggest that Stephen never has a broken shield along with him, he has taken only six infinity stones with him. Also, it is said that there is no way to fix the shield. The shield that he passes on to Falcon seems like the original one but it is not.

Maybe, it means that he really has changed the timeline by meeting Howard Stark or T’Challa and creating a new shield.

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