Ironman vs Magneto

Iron man vs Magneto, who will win the battle?

X-Men’s Magneto had been defeated by Iron Man in Avengers vs X-Men face off. The X-Men and the Avengers clashed over the doom of the world in 2012. The Phoenix Force had been seen coming to Earth, where the mutants had promised redemption. It was the Avengers who had stressed it as the end of the world. 

Face-off Iron man vs Magneto: The Master of Magnetism

Comic battle between Iron man vs Magneto

At the time, Iron Man had motivated him for the battle by developing his ways in order to beat psychics, to negating Emma Frost before she could even shut the Avengers down. He had come face-to-face with Avengers vs Magneto who is the Master of Magnetism.

Can Iron man beat Magneto?

Iron Man had come up with the suit of armour that had been designed to protect him from Magneto, who was obviously not made up of metal but carbon nanotubes. Tony Stark was facing Magneto on an Island made of metal. Iron Man emitted magnets to disrupt Magneto’s powers but he was surprised as Magneto disrupted these with ease. 


Tony Stark had supported a series of satellites around Jupiter. So, the gas giant’s magnetic field could be tapped. He had wanted to use this to charge the Iron Man armour in order to claim himself as the Master of Magnetism. But unfortunately, Magneto had recognized the energy that Iron Man was using and thus, he ripped the chain of satellites.


Iron man vs Magneto who actually won?

Magneto has proved his capabilities by using his strategies against Iron Man that might have failed against Tony Stark. He has reached the universe by mere force of will, by taking superpowers from different planets. But then, he has been disrupted in between and realized that it is the Phoenix Force.

It was the Phoenix Force that has disrupted Magneto. Magneto’s confidence drained out at this moment. The whole world seems to be an inexorable journey to him. And therefore, the Master of Magnetism is won against by Iron Man.

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