Batman Loves Riding On The Back Of Spiderman, Here Is The Proof Comics

Batman Loves Riding On The Back Of Spiderman, Here Is The Proof

Spiderman and Batman are the most famous animal-inspired superheroes. The rivalry between DC and Marvel Comics keeps them away. There was a time when Marvel and DC were far more than just friends. And also, Batman took a ride on the back of the Spiderman. 

Despite the competitive nature between both the brands, DC and Marvel used to work together at one time. Especially in 90d. The mid 90d brought an entire crossover mini-series between both. The title was simple, DC vs. Marvel. The series ran in 1996 and left it on viewers to determine who is the best. The audience’s participation was at an extreme level. Some of the battles included a battle between Silver Surface and the Green Lantern, Superman vs the Hulk, and Batman vs Captain America. The vent was written by Peter David and Ron Marz. The art was by Claudio Castellini and Dan Jurgens. 

But this is not the hilarious time of Batman riding on the back of Spider-Man.

Batman Loves Riding On The Back Of Spiderman, Here Is The Proof 1 Comics

Batman and Spiderman: New Age Dawning

Batman and Spiderman: New Age Dawning was the sequel of DC to Marvel’s Spiderman and Batman: Disordered Minds (1995). It was first published in 1998. 

In this, the duo had to assume the tricky likes of Carnage and the Joker. When Ra’s al Ghul alters the Kingpin to assist him in destroying the world, their adversaries, Batman and Spider-Man, associate to stop the dastardly duo. It is during this time that Spider-Man has to literally hold the team, lifting Batman up the side of a snowy mountainside as he rides on Spidey’s back like a small child sitting on their parent for a nicer view.

The issue is real 90’s nostalgia, published in a decade where both Spider-Man and Batman were ultimate celebrities due to the achievement of both of their animated series. It was composed by J. M. DeMatteis with penciller Graham Nolan, inker Karl Kesel, and colorist Gloria Vasquez. With Batman constantly being so brooding, it is completely joyful to see him ride the back of a goofball idol half his age.

Seeing heroes teaming up is awesome. But seeing brands working together like this makes it even cooler. We are hoping to see more Batman and Spiderman moments in the future.

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