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Why Batman’s New Villain Is Called A Ghostmaker?

In the latest DC Batman series issue, an old rival of the Dark Vigilante has just been introduced and it reveals that why Batman’s new Villain is named Ghostmaker 

In the latest DC comic’s Batman series issue, Batman is still trying to fit in the situation after the Joker War when an old rival makes his way to Gotham: The Ghost Maker. This is significant, as years ago Batman and Ghostmaker made a deal that they would stay out of each other’s way, with Dark crime-fighter promising that he will never step in Gotham City. However, things have changed after the Joker War. The Ghostmaker feels that Dark Knight has failed to save the city. It’s also revealed in this issue that why Batman’s new villain chose this name for himself. 

In the previous issue, Bruce and Ghostmaker were seen together training to become the men they are now. Ghostmaker murdered one of their shared master that made Bruce his enemy. Ghost-Maker saw their training as a game and competition, doing everything he could to excel and be better than Bruce, even finding new mentors and teachers before Bruce could get to them. However, Bruce was always a better fighter than him and still know he can take down his old rival.

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In James Tynion IV, Carlo Pagulayan, Danny Miki, and Guillem March’s Batman #13, Ghostmaker is planning to kill the Clownhunter, the young kid who decided to track down and murder Joker goons as the result of Joker War. As Batman encounters Ghostmaker to stop him from killing new kid, Oracle is in Batman’s ear, incredibly confused as to why she can’t see or properly hear whoever it is that Batman is fighting.

How Batman’s New Villain Got The Name Ghostmaker?

Ghostmaker has developed quite an extensive network of technology named Ghost-Net, enabling him to be completely invisible digitally. While encountering a rival like Batman this is certainly a powerful tool. Not only that his network can destroy any other network which tries to track him. While Batman made fun of Ghost-Maker’s name in their youth, it seems as though his old rival has found the means to earn the name, not to mention the fact that he seems to have no problem killing criminals and turning them into ghosts like his name further suggests.

In this, Batman’s new villain seems determined to proved that he is better than Bruce when it comes to protecting Gotham City. With a tranquilizer Ghostmaker manages to take down Dark knight, planning to “take Bruce off the field” to show the city what it could be with a “real crimefighter in charge.”

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