BBC Prison Drama Time Made Bean And Graham Excited Entertainment

BBC Prison Drama Time Made Bean And Graham Excited

A BBC prison drama, Time, that stars Stephen Graham and Sean Bean is going to be an essential watch, whenever it comes out. 

The BBC prison drama Time will see Graham taking on the role of ‘caring honest ‘ prison officer Eric Reid. He faces an ‘impossible choice between his principles and his love for his family’. Bean plays teacher Mark Hebden, who murdered a man in a casualty (accident) and was sent down for 4 years.

The synopsis of the BBC prison drama Time states, “Seen through the eyes of two very different men, Time is a visceral and high-stakes portrayal of life in the modern British penal system.”

“It is a story of guilt and forgiveness, punishment and penitence, and the impact that prison has on all those who pass through it.”

“Both Eric and Mark, officer and inmate, are seemingly trapped by their pasts and unsure of their futures. Each has to not only survive but to find the strength and the way to move forward.” 

“Time is emotional and thrilling, showcasing the performances of two of Britain’s finest and best-loved actors.”

BBC Prison Drama Time Is A 3 Part Series

It is a three-part series that is due to begin filming in Liverpool in Autumn. However, there is no official release date as of now. The BBC prison drama will be seeing Bean and Graham together again. They have previously appeared in 2012 in The Accused. 

BBC Prison Drama Time Made Bean And Graham Excited 1 Entertainment

Writer Jimmy McGovern of the BBC prison drama, who has also written The Accused, said, “The BBC has given me a brilliant young director [Lewis Arnold] and two of the greatest actors on the planet. I am overjoyed.”

Bean is excited and is looking forward to laboring with McGovern and Graham again in the BBC prison drama Time

He said, “Getting to be involved in a Jimmy McGovern drama again is a real privilege and it will be great to be reunited with Stephen.”

“Mark Hebden is another of Jimmy’s complex and superbly written characters and I am looking forward to bringing him to life on screen.”

Graham reflected Bean’s emotions too for working in a BBC prison drama Time.

He said, “It is an absolute honor to be working with Jimmy again, I’m feeling blessed.”

“I’m excited to be working with Lewis as I have heard so many incredible things about him as a director, I can’t wait to get stuck in. Of course, I am made up to be back on set with Sean.”

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