Black Widow Killed The Red Guardian Entertainment

Black Widow Killed The Red Guardian

Now before every fan of her’s screams that how she can she kill her own father figure. Please do hear me out. And before going on with the theory, a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will be diving deep into the MCEU. Now that you have been warned let’s prove how Black widow killed The Red Guardian.

Black Widow Red In Her Ledger Entertainment

A consistent reference throughout Black Widow’s MCU character arc is the “red in her ledger”. Having read in your ledger means to owe a debt and have blood on your hands. In Black Widow’s case, her rise from untrustworthy Russian spy to the post-snap leader of the Avengers is driven by the debt that she owes from having blood on her hands. The most obvious connection is her work as a Russian spy in the Red Room agency. But the reference has a deeper emotional resonance in the wordplay and underlying meaning of the saying.

The Russian Government Will Order Black Widow

I believe that the red in Black Widow’s ledger is the blood of her MCU father figure Red Guardian. At some point the upcoming movie, Black Widow will be ordered by the Russian government/Red Room to work a case or perform some action that ends up in the death of Red Guardian. Ultimately, she will feel responsible for his RG’s death. This also explains many of her actions later in the MCU and unending loyalty to Captain America.

Marvel Black Widow Red Guardian Entertainment

Red Guardian is/was considered the Captain America of Russia. Due to the red in her ledger from killing Red Guardian, she feels a need to always help Captain. Two such examples are aiding and assisting fugitive CA in Winter Soldier. These are betraying Team Iron Man in Civil War. Both of these and other actions are fueled by distrust of outright following government orders knowing that they could end up in the death of a good person and someone she loves.

Now, this is just a theory and it can be wrong but we have all the right to speculate. And as you all, we too are looking forward to this amazing outing of Black widow into her solo adventures.