Britney Spears Documentary On Netflix

Britney Spears Documentary Underway On Netflix

Production of a Britney Spears documentary is under development on Netflix.

After Hulu released the Britney Spears documentaryThe New York Times Presents: Framing Britney Spears”, which provided detailed accounts of the life events that the pop star experienced which aroused during the #FreeBritney movement. The documentary instantly became a trending topic for conversation for all just after its release and an insanely huge wave of support came for the star from her fans.

Credits: ScreenRant

Framing Britney Spears

Britney Spears’ documentary expressed the misogynistic (Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls) practices that the pop star was subjected to by the media throughout her career. It also questions the validity of the conservatorship—which gives her father legal control over most aspects of her life, including her finances.

Britney Spears
Britney Spears Documentary

The documentary also moves ahead of studying and analyzing the obscure Instagram posts. It reveals the grave issues with the legal structure by re-evaluating the heartbreaking story explaining how Britney Spears ended up in the conservatorship. As a part of the unending list of malpractices that the pop star underwent in the media, the documentary also unravels the discriminative manner of treatment that she faced by her former boyfriend, Justin Timberlake, who has reportedly made a public apology ever since it was released.

The Message In The Documentary

Framing Britney Spears calls out for reform in the media’s way of treating women and mental health, all while revealing Britney’s suspicious legal situation. Britney and her family denied participating in any sort of interview for Framing Britney Spears. This denial to get featured in the documentary could be in context to the increasing popularity that documentaries have managed to gain in recent years.

Documentaries have a particular factor that allows them to attract and sum up huge attention regarding some particular problems. They might also end up reopening some of the formerly closed cases. As a reaction to this growing popularity of documentaries, many streaming platforms have made documentaries that oppose the former motion set by documentaries about the same topic released earlier.

The Battle For Supremacy

 Netflix and Hulu practically competed with each other by their respective documentaries about the massive failure of the Fyre Festival. Even though Netflix’s Britney Spears documentary was into production way ahead of the debut of Framing Britney Spears, the growing popularity that it received could end up quite troublesome for Netflix’s Project.

Although there hasn’t been any official announcement regarding the updates on the release date of Netflix’s Britney Spears Documentary, it can be assumed that Netflix’s version would present new developments in Britney’s legal situation. However, with so many documentaries being released focusing on the same problems, it can be hoped that this will trigger a response that might change in Britney’s case  and conservatorship’s legality in general.