DC Caused A War Between Two Villains

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains: Batman

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains. DC made them fight to go against each other in an unexpected destructive battle.

At the end of the “Joker War”, Joker decided that he is going to bring hell to Bane for wasting a great opportunity of giving a brutal death to Alfred. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy has turned her back on the last of her human friends, with Harley’s failure to protect her secret garden leading Ivy to declare herself Queen and threatened to finish the humanity from the planet. 

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains… Here It Goes

In the year when DC Caused A War Between Two Villains. DC is going to deliver multiple Villian Civil War, DC: Doomed and the Damned started another war between two of the most deadly villains – Ra’s Al Ghul and Solomon Grundy.

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains, Solomon Grundy is a destructive villain with some mystical powers, every week he sees his death closely but somehow manages to escape it. The Villain is strong enough to trade hits and fists with Superman and enduring enough to take down some of DC’s greatest fighters.

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains

None will even try to poke him – except for somehow who has also defeated death. One night, when Grundy takes his body out of the grave he finds out that Ra’s Al Ghul is waiting for him, prepared to make him see hell. 

It turns out that the power of Ra’s Al Ghul has started to fade away and the villain fears that his mortality is soon going to take him down. So he tries to investigate what helps Grundy to get away from the hands of death. Al Ghul successfully executes his plan of trapping Grundy in a whirling Wind, where he brings Grundy to Talia, who has learned the art of doing an ancient ritual. Filtering the energies through herself, Talia can drain enough power from the undead zombie to empower Ra’s, restoring enough of his health for him to fight on his own.

Meanwhile, Grundy feels powerful and threatens Ra’s to kills his soul out to restore his old powers. But the truth is in this weakened state Grundy is nowhere able to take down Ra’s who recently craved his powers out. Thus, DC Caused A War Between Two Villains.

Eventually, Ra’s can take down Grundy by taking his head off with a deadly chop of his mighty sword. Even more of that, Ra’s take out the secret that it’s just Grundy’s blood that is needed to restart the Lazarus Pit. Ra’s and Talia soon depart, confident in his restored vitality. But this is not the end of Grundy. His head miraculously reattaches to his body after Ra’s kicks him into a watery grave.

DC Caused A War Between Two Villains. And it’s just a matter of a few moments for Grundy to get back to life. But instead of being a brainless and irritated statue, Grundy remembers that what Ra’s has done to him. Grundy vows that he’ll be the death of Ra’s, setting up the brute to target the ancient Batman villain. While RA’s might have the skill, weapons, and an entire army at his behest, Grundy might be too strong to be contended with or fully stopped. 

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