Dark Hero Hulk

DC’s Dark Hero Reborn With Hulk’s Characteristics

Swamp Thing, DC’s very own dark hero and the protector of the green just got rebooted with restraining issues just like Marvel’s The Hulk.

Swamp Thing is one of the members of the dark forces of DC that ultimately fight for the good. He has been one of the few key members who have narrated DC’s horror tales for a long time, including unimaginable bloodshed and horrors beyond our worst nightmares. Our dark hero just got reborn and this new protector of the green has a lot in common with another superhero- The Hulk. Swamp Thing made his debut in the DC universe in “House Of Secrets #92” as the guardian of the green, a physical embodiment of the flora of the Earth.

Dark Hero Reborn The Hulk
The Hulk

Although unlike other heroes he doesn’t get involved if there are humans in danger, he only acts when his precious plants and trees are in danger. The most renowned user of this power is Alec Holland, who turned into Swamp Thing as a result of being dumped into a swamp while being covered with special bio- restorative chemicals, resulting in the creation of Earth’s very own warrior. He later discovered that the secret to his power was far greater.

Alec learned that he was actually a “Plant Elemental” and was the successor in a long line of avatars of the green. Unfortunately, Alec met an untimely death right before Death Metal, but now there is a new player in the ring, a brand new Swamp Thing.

The New Guardian

Levi Kamei became Alec’s successor as the new protector of the green. Our new hero was on the return flight from India to the US and when he started getting haunted by the visions of his painful childhood. These Visions included the memories of the time he had to immigrate to the US for his education and the death of his father. Along with his own, were the memories of the monster that he hosted, who was scrapping on the door struggling to be free so that he can rampage and wreak havoc as he did in the visions Levi was having.

As a result, Levi is shaken to the core and transforms in the Swamp Thing when he is drawn to an ancient creature of evil intentions.

The Hulk
The Hulk

The creature reveals that he is familiar with Levi’s alter ego and promises him to return someday to teach him more about this dark entity, given that he is worthy. Levi then wakes up in Central Park after being sent away by the creature. Just like any other person who has hosted some sort of creature or demon inside of them, Levi is also concerned about the monster he hosts and the devastation he could do, something which we actively witness in the case of the Hulk.

Harboring a dangerous entity inside of him, Levi is in a state of worry just like Bruce Banner who struggles for control with his counterpart- The Hulk and just like him, this constant fear ruins every aspect of Levi’s life including his relationship with others. There’s a long way to go in the tale of this new hero and it is hoped that all the things that the readers are wondering would be answered in the future.