Deadshot to kill Suicide Squad in Suicide Squad Comics

Deadshot to kill Suicide Squad in Suicide Squad #8

For the longest time, Deadshot has been a part of The Suicide Squad. He had a bomb on his head with very options to do another way around. Gloyd Lawton paid his debt to society by running and leading the operations for Amanda Waller. He paid his dues for being a contract killer and DC’s accurate marksmen.

While the team’s agenda often shifted, Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn were the most consistent members of the team. Later when the program’s leadership changed, a new group called Revolutionaries was formed and added. Therefore, Deadshot decided to leave the team. But the only way to do so was to kill the Suicide Squad.


There have seven issues to date on the run for Suicide Squad written by Tom Taylor. After a hostile takeover, Amanda is no longer in charge of Task Force X. The Task Force was being operated by Lok who was acting on the orders of Ted Kord. The new group called “Revolutionaries” also wasn’t happy with the team. They would find ways for their escape. They even got a chance to escape and made the best use of it. When in a mission, they were ordered to bring Captain Boomerang, they used the opportunity. The speedster, Jog destroyed all the detonators of implants except his own. And the rest of the team escaped the premises. They arrived at the Gotham city and got their bombs removed there. Deadshot and Harley then realized their freedom.

Deadshot to kill Suicide Squad Comics

Suicide Squad #7

In Suicide Squad #7, Deadshot meets his daughter. While he was spending some quality time with his family, a report came on the TV listing the Revolutionaries and him as wanted criminals.

Deadshot is ready to kill Ted Kord and nothing can stop him from doing so. He finally has a chance to be with his family, especially his daughter. Suicide Squad #8 is going to release next month, so fans need to wait for it. However, Suicide Squad #7 is already out there in the public domain. 

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.