
Doctor Strange Comes Out To Be Batman’s Brother

Superheroes do have a tragic family history. Doctor Strange has taken a new height. His little sister Donna has become saturated while in her teens. And Stephen clasped himself accountable for the disaster that took her life. His mother died a few years later. This has caused Stephen even additional grief. Two years later, Stephen’s father passed away. Stephen wouldn’t even visit his deathbed. And then there is then Stephen’s brother, Victor, who evolved as Batman.

Dcotor Strange Batman

Victor has suffered a horrible casualty. After his father’s death, Victor met Stephen for evacuating their father during his last moments. Stephen then had placed Victor’s body in cryogenic storage, because of being unable to cope with the family’s loss. He hoped that maybe medical science would save him someday.

Strange underwent the car accident that cost him his hands and his fortune. Ten years later, still, the warehouse was ripped down. Thus, Victor was discharged as a harpy.

Doctor Strange As A Unusual Hero

Stephen strived to remodel his brother’s life by narrating arcane terms from the Book of Vishanti. One of the spells i.e. the Vampiric Verses ended up altering Victor into a harpy. Cold storage protected him from running extensively. But when the warehouse was eradicated, “Vampire Vic” was declared.

Victor was captured. He was used as a pawn by Marie Laveau. He needs vampire blood to stay young. Victor has agreed to take the “Batman” motif further by being Baron Blood Superhero. He even began dating Doctor Strange’s former girlfriend Morgana Blessing. She lets him nourish on lesser amounts of her blood. Although Victor did manage to overthrow many metaphysical opponents with his powers. His endeavors to be a “vampire superhero” went south after he found out the delinquents he bit arrived as vampires. Finally, Victor’s own blood hunger started to devastate him. But, he murdered himself by plummeting a chance through his own soul.

Doctor Strange is, no doubt, the most bizarre hero. The situation has accidentally turned him into a vampire. But surely, this is revealed that Doctor Strange and Batman are considered brothers once.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.