
Does The Hulk Have A Wild Future In Wastelands?

Avengers of Wastelands proceeds the story of the dystopian world. It has been seen first in Old Man Logan by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. In this, villains of the Marvel Universe have banded together and destroyed a bulk of heroes. This world has witnessed the death of Wolverine proves to be a dangerous place for Bruce Banner Jr. He is the son of Hulk in Avengers of Wastelands #4.

The Avengers of the Wastelands are a ragtag faction of heroes tossed together through unique norms to withstand the increasingly authoritarian law of Doctor Doom. Doom assists as the leader of the Wastelands. While this squad of next-generation Avengers battles to reject the iron clutch of the madman. Doom discerns the squad as a danger that requires to be eradicated.


Subsequently, after the battle with Baron Blood and a troop of vampires, the prospective Avengers found out that Doom was demolishing city after city in his inquiry for them.  Thereafter, Bruce Jr. excavated a Doombot that had the coordinates for Doom’s following raid. The punishers worried that they were being overseen to a trap but were reluctant to enable the villain to proceed his journey of devastation uncontested.

The coordinates directed the heroes to Osborn City, an alarming area restored with the bodies of late heroes dangling with huge pillars. As the Avengers arrived at the walled city, a big entrance slammed close behind them. And the squad realized that they had certainly been directed into a trap. The Avengers are almost immediately assaulted by a faction of supervillains overseen by the Green Goblin. With the component of shock on their side, the villains originally gain the upper hand on the winners.

Junior Hulk Is As Stable As His Father

While the inexperienced edition of the Hulk is nowhere as heathen as his father, still he retains the Hulk’s vitality and stability. Wild Child himself acknowledges that he realizes his paws would not be eligible to lance the new Hulk’s skin. This is why he needed to detect how strong his eyes are.

Hulk-Wild-Child-Avengers-of-the-Wastelands- Comics

This event brings all of the moments while Hulk has confronted Wolverine in war. While the aggressive mutant has been prepared to injure the Hulk in more than limited circumstances. He has never been able to injure the brute with this sort of assault. This sends to care about the issue of whether or not an assault like this would have a related impact on the senior Banner. Or if the younger Hulk is chopped down due to scarcity of experience.

This is not the prime time the eyes have been portrayed as a juncture of shortcoming in nearly immune opponents. 

The indestructible Juggernaut was compelled to stop when Shatterstar shoved swords in both of his eyes during the earlier days of the actual X-Force.

This really shows that the wastelands certainly lead a dangerous future even for Hulk.

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