Few Reasons To Use Incognito Mode. It Is Quite Safer Technology

Few Reasons To Use Incognito Mode. It Is Quite Safer

What is the use of incognito mode?

Everything you do is private, right? In a word, no. Everyone does anything in private. But is it really private? No. Internet service providers can see the activity that we are performing. A class-action lawsuit has accused Google of tracking users even when they are using the incognito mode. 

Though the incognito mode does not provide much privacy only if one is not using it. Then what is the use of the incognito mode? When one is using incognito, the browser does not save any history, cookies, or information that is being entered in the forms. But it keeps the downloaded files and bookmarks. The fact is that the IP address and computer data are vulnerable to hackers. 

  •  Email

Internet service providers can see the activities as if some employee is providing you the internet access.

  • Privacy tip

Not everything can be deleted from the Internet. But the personal data can be removed from floating around the web.

Though, using incognito can be a good idea. One does not have true anonymity while using it. But this does not mean that it is not worth using. 

Few Reasons To Use Incognito Mode. It Is Quite Safer 1 Technology

The best time while sending an email is late afternoon. 

1. Signing in to multiple email accounts

Instead of using separate Google browsers for checking mails of two different accounts, use incognito mode for signing in and out.

Use private mode for the personal account.

2. Shopping for gifts

While shopping for gifts, targeted ads can ruin special moments while revealing the gift.

The browser keeps opening the ads that you were looking for. These ads will pop up later on other sites. 

Those ads won’t open if the person is shopping while in an incognito mode. 

3. Avoid auto-fill suggestions in the future

One can avoid the suggestions coming while using the incognito mode.  

4. Booking travel

There are some traveling companies that keep track of what you do. While using this, one need not worry about the price gouging.

Many online shopping sites do the same. 

Even youtube does the same and gives you suggestions based on viewing history.

5. Getting out of your bubble

One likes to binge watch TV shows and listen to music. Youtube gives suggestions on what to watch next. If you want to step out of this, try searching videos in incognito mode. 

6. View a site as an outsider

There are many reasons to use the mode. It gives you a fresh perspective. 

Staying safe has become very complicated these days. This might help in staying safe from online trackers.

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