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Future State Immortal Wonder Woman Got First Look Of Nubia By L.L McKinney and Alitha Martinez

Author L. L. McKinney and Alitha Martinez have disclosed the initial look at Nubia, who will occur in their Future State Immortal Wonder Woman story.

Nubia is one of several characters that will occur during DC Future State, a two-month, line-wide event starting in January that provides enthusiasts a look at possible fortunes of the DC universe, investigating the lasting inheritance of DC superheroes. Nubia is one of two feature arcs that will debut in Future State Immortal Wonder Woman.

McKinney wrote on Twitter, “So many @DCComics fans have been waiting for this one, so let’s. GO! Daughter of Hippolyta. Sister to Diana. Princess of the Amazons. And now? Wonder Woman. Nubia was who she was in all her original glory. Y’all know I HAD to bring our girl to the main stage.”

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Martinez’s tweet was a natural and simple, “Finally!”

Future State Immortal Wonder Woman To On Sale From Next Year

A Brazilian Wonder Woman called Yara Flor is also ready to bring about her debut during DC Future State. “We will eventually discover that there are connections to the other tribes of the Amazons that we have established. Yara does have some connection to the Amazons, and part of what we’ll discover in her origin is what activates her position, what makes her Wonder Woman at this time. She’s from Brazil, but was an immigrant to America. There’s also that element of her story. Even though we’ll see her currently active as Wonder Woman, eventually we’ll learn what her origin is – partially her figuring out what that means, where she’s from, why this is her, how she relates to Diana, how she relates to the other Amazons,” Superman Group Editor Jamie S. Rich said regarding Yara Flor.

“The DC Universe has always been fertile ground for new and refreshing takes on our characters, and DC Future State definitely contributes to this legacy. When the event begins in January, some savvy readers will not only pick up on some of the breadcrumbs that have already been tossed out in our current titles, but they will also find new hints and clues of what’s to come in 2021,” DC Executive Editor Marie Javins said when DC Future State was officially announced.

Future State Immortal Wonder Woman #1 will be on sale from January 2021 from DC.

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