Google needs to do some more work on its Google Pixel Buds 2020 Technology

Google needs to do some more work on its Google Pixel Buds 2020

Google has pushed an important firmware update to its Google Pixel Buds 2020. The company has added some more amazing and brand-new features to the wireless earbuds. One of the new features includes a “bass boost” setting, attention alerts, sharing detection, and much more. The updated firmware will also look out for the audio dropout issues and the connectivity issues that some early Pixel Buds buyers complained about.

Google-successful at improving the Bass Boost for Pixel buds

Google needs to do some more work on its Google Pixel Buds 2020 1 Technology

The Pixel Buds has significantly improved the sound quality. Google has been successful at improving the bass boost. If you were aware of the low-performance earlier you must have understood what I am talking about. However, the Pixel Buds’ signal issues are still there and are much weaker. Also, the frustrating music disturbances remain as it is.

 Once you apply the update, under the sound section you will get the “bass boost”. The sound option also includes new and experimental alert options. Switching it on adds some more amount of oomph factor to the lower frequencies. And if according to you the Pixel Buds were a little flat earlier. Then the bass boost will surely surprise you.

The dropout issue with Google Pixel Buds 2020 not fixed

One more thing with Pixel Buds is that you will face an issue if you are at your home on your desk or your couch. The real problem occurs when you travel or go outside. This means that Google has still not fixed the Pixel Buds dropout issue. The problem of signal loss and sound disconnect in one earbud is still there.

However, most of these problems will go away if you will hold your phone around the height of your chest. But when the phone is in my pocket all the problems related to the connectivity pops up. Google must do much more work and research regarding the issue. As it’s still not perfect.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.