Harry Potter Professor or Auror Entertainment

Harry Potter: A Better Professor or an Auror?

Harry Potter Seems To Be A Better Professor

One suggestion that got stuck with Harry Potter even after the school was given by Barty Crouch Jr. While imitating Mad-Eye Moody, he suggested Harry to be an Auror after school. Harry took this suggestion to heart and became the head of the Auror office. However, we believe that Harry should have pursued a career that might be more fulfilling for himself and his character. Rather than becoming a Head at the Ministry of Magic, he should have thought of becoming the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

Harry being the leader in Harry Potter and the Orders of the Phoenix was very proud and happy. He taught many of his fellow students and took pleasure in their victories. His fellow students and friends whom he taught, performed the Shield Charm brilliantly in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. And it made Harry Potter extremely happy and proud. This interestingly shows how being an instructor fills Harry with joy and motivation.

Harry Potter killed Voldemort

Harry Potter killed Voldemort Entertainment

The sixth book displays the foremost reason for Harry becoming an Auror. According to him, while stopping dark wizards, he will get the chance to finally fight against Voldemort.However, Harry killed Voldemort in the seventh book. Therefore, Potter was left with plenty of career options that he could pursue.

Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts was very exhausting and his leadership role what helped him in staying sane . He enjoyed being the leader of the DA. He enjoyed teaching his fellow mates and friends whatever he had to offer. Potter would often day-dream of him giving lectures. He felt immense pleasure in sharing his knowledge, wisdom, and experience.

Harry arising from the position of an Auror was accepted by J.K.Rowling. He and Ron were admitted to the Auror department before they completed their seventh year. When Potter joined the Ministry, a campaign against him was led by the government that made disgusting remarks against Harry being a ostentatious.

Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and Hogwarts

Harry Potter Dumbledore and Hogwarts Entertainment

Harry had no faith in the Ministry of Magic and he had all the right reasons to feel so. He always supported Dumbledore and Hogwarts as against the Ministry. Therefore, his career as an Auror could never make him satisfied in the future. Also, there were so many downsides of being in the Ministry. So, he finally returned to Hogwarts. This created so many opportunities for him and bought him the peace of mind he always longed for. By being a professor at Hogwarts, Harry would also timely influence and educate young students correctly and in a dignified manner.

Most of the titles given to Harry Potter always annoyed him. These titles include ‘The Boy Who Lived’ and ‘The Chosen One’. They sometimes proved to be helpful but still annoyed Harry several times.

Why Harry Potter is the Best?

Harry Potter very well knew what influence a professor can have on his students. He would become the greatest teacher of all times by using the combination of wisdom he got. Whoever influenced Harry in any way could be an example for him and he would have tried to match that level. All these incidents and much more show how beautiful it would be if Harry had returned to Hogwarts. He would return as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor rather than being an Auror.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.