Ironheart Riri Williams

Has Ironheart Gained Mastery Over Tony Stark?

Iron Man’s worthy successor Riri Williams has proved herself even before developing her path as Ironheart. The character is now enormously popular and is the key member of Champions who, many times, assists the Avengers. Williams is considered the smartest and even smarter than Tony Stark in the Marvel universe.

Ironheart Riri

Invincible Iron Man 2016 has first featured Riri Williams. Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato have created the movie.

Riri had attended MIT on scholarship while she was 15. During this time, she had designed her own armour of Iron Man by using the Stolen materials. Tony was impressed by her talent and thus decided to become her mentor. She, later, became her own hero by joining the Champions. 

According to Bendis, Stark has guided her, Riri has become Stark’s disciple, maybe because of being a father to her. But eventually, she has come out to be more intellectual.

Williams is smarter than Stark

Bendis has acknowledged in an interview with Time Magazine and said Williams is smarter than Tony. “She’s smarter than Tony…As we say in the story: high intellects, out of frustration, can sometimes retreat into their own world. This young woman has had that burden but she also has a grounded parent who helped her get to this point. But she also has had a terrible tragedy that has informed her more than anything.” 

Ironheart Comics

Tony Stark is no doubt an accomplished hero but there is something that separates Riri from Stark. Though both have been to MIT at the age of 15. Stark is born into wealth whereas Riri has to suffer due to her grounded upbringing with no fortune and chance.

Tony has helped Riri to become a full-fledged hero. But it is Riri also who has left no stone unturned. She has created opportunities by herself. Maybe this is the reason that Ironheart is so close to our hearts.

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