Hilary Swank Has Pointed The Storyline Of Away, A Drama By Netflix Entertainment

Hilary Swank Has Pointed The Storyline Of Away, A Drama By Netflix

Netflix has dropped the trailer of Away and it has taken our breath away. Away features Hilary Swank as the lead. Hilary Swank, a two-time Oscar winner, has always wanted to be around the stars. She gets to play in the drama, Away, a Netflix drama that would start streaming from September 4. 

Emma Green, who is played by Hilary Swank is suited up for a mission to Mars. The drama is set in the near future. The first season will have 10 episodes. Emma Green leads the crew of astronauts and scientists. Team members question the leadership qualities of Emma. She is even being questioned by her family for leaving her teenage daughter and husband on Earth.

Credits – Netflix

During an interview, she said, “I wanted to be an astronaut before I wanted to be an actor, which was about the age of 9,” Swank says. “It still has the same feeling for me now as it did then, the whole idea of something bigger than us and the unknown. I still would love to go to space someday, but being an actor and playing an astronaut is second best.” 

Loosely, the Netflix drwma, Away is based on a 2014 esquire story by Chris Jones. The story is about the first American Astronaut who spends a year in space. 

She said in the interview, “I don’t consider myself a space show guy, but there was something about this article that really gripped me,” Katims says. “It was a different way of thinking about space: this very intimate look at what the human experience was like to be away for so long, how to stay connected to the world, and what it does to your mind and body. That seemed so different.” 

Mission Could Be Halted

Just after her launch to Mars, Emma’s husband suffers a stroke due to cerebral cavernous malformation. Emma thinks of leaving the mission but her family stops her. 

She added, “There’s a moment in the article that talks about an astronaut being up in the International Space Station when something really catastrophic happens to his family, and what that is to be so far away,” 

That storyline particularly reverberated with Andrew Hinderaker, who has created the show.

Hinderaker further says. “I’ve been in a long-distance relationship with a woman who was diagnosed with a progressive disease just shortly before Jason had brought me the article, so that moment of finding out that someone you love is in trouble and needs you and you’re away (working) was something that resonated really deeply.” 

Hilary Swank Has Pointed The Storyline Of Away, A Drama By Netflix 1 Entertainment

She Met Former Astronaut

Swank has spoken to former astronaut Mike Massimino and also has attended a “boot camp” to prepare her for the role. She has learned wirework and zero gravity scenes there.

She said, “We were on these wires all the time trying to learn to move gracefully, which is something I don’t do. I’m kind of lumbering,” Swank says. In addition to the stunts, “the most challenging thing was doing a monologue that’s emotional while other people are floating by. You get kicked in the face and you just start laughing.” 

Swank has put forth the importance of family thus. She has focused on the importance of near and dear ones and their love in the interview. The pandemic has made us aware of what is important in our lives.

Swank says, “There’s probably nothing more isolating than going to space for three years, but I think people (now) are going to relate to that more and understand it a little deeper. This pandemic has put into perspective what’s important in life, which is our health and really being able to be with loved ones.”

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