
How did Catwoman fell into a death trap?

Catwoman just like any other Superhero fell into a death trap.

The Superheroes are often caught by the accomplished criminals of Gotham City using many death traps. These Villains of the DC Universe make unique traps to get hold of the Superheroes and thus stop them from performing their duties. Out of all these traps, the latest and the most difficult death trap was made for the Catwoman. However, she somehow managed to escape that deadly trap.

In the story ‘Conventional Wisdom’, Catwoman found herself trapped in Doctor Destiny’s wicked trap. Before she could understand anything, Catwoman fell into a death trap. As she entered the ‘Bat-Con’ convention. A man approached her at the entrance and treated her as if she were some celebrity guest. She was baffled by the man who treated her. He looked like an employee at the convention. He explained the procedure regarding the autographs and the selfies. Her role as a Catwoman was known to him and everyone else at the convention. Later Selina signed some autographs for the fans. While she was busy signing the autographs, she found that Bruce was present right next to her. He didn’t look bothered by the convention.

Catwoman, Joker, and Bruce at the Convention


Catwoman tried to remember what exactly she was doing and where exactly she was before she entered the convention. On the other hand, Bruce’s behavior towards people presents around the table was very friendly. Even around Riddler, Two-Face, and Joker, Bruce was all friendly and happy. They all were happily signing autographs and taking pictures and amid all this Catwoman left the place. She left that place and she ended up at a panel, where she answered few questions of her fans.

How Selina got back to the DC Universe

Selina was captured in the 80th Anniversary Special and that too because of Doctor Destiny. He used a device called reality distorter to capture her which she later broke. By breaking that device Selina was able to get back to her exact place in the DC Universe. And she was all ready to beat the shit out Doctor Psycho.

So basically, what Doctor Destiny did was he trapped Selina by using the convention. As everyone at the convention occupied Selina’s attention, it made her difficult to recognize what was happening.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.