How did Green Lantern and Batman's Rivalry start Comics

How did Green Lantern and Batman’s Rivalry start?

Green Lantern and Batman’s Rivalry, Out of all the rivalry that the Superheroes share among themselves, Batman and Green Lantern’s shared friction is no doubt is the most interesting. Both of them are members of the Justice League but this hasn’t stopped their rivalry. Although, Emerald Warrior and the Dark Knight have together defended the DCU. But this hasn’t stopped them from entering into a fight against each other.

The rivalry that these two shares has grown extensively and has crossed the limits of just being a personality conflict. The personality dispute that exists between Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne has expanded between Green Lantern Corps members and Caped Crusador. It all originated from a punch that would be repeated several times between them and that for several coming decades.

Green Lantern and Batman’s Rivalry

How did Green Lantern and Batman's Rivalry start 1 Comics

The mandate issued by Justice League was extended to the planet as a whole, following the Crisis on the Infinite Earth. At the time of crisis, the Guardians of the Galaxy rounded up Guy Gardner as a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Later, he became annoyed as being a part of it. Though, both Guy Gardner and Batman both were part of the initial program however the only latter was recruited. When both of them were at the early issues he always challenged Batman’s power. He thought himself to be superior to the World’s Greatest Detective.

How did Green Lantern and Batman's Rivalry start 3 Comics

Dark Knight in Justice League #5

Dark Knight was already very much disgusted in the Justice League #5 by Kevin Maguire, Keith Giffen, and J.M. DeMatteis. Guy Gardner constantly big mouth, unpleasant behavior made Batman restless. This lead to Batman’s decision to fight for the power of the team. Also, the Gotham city knocked out the Guy. Later, Batman left the team and left the leadership to Martiam Manhunter. His fight for the team’s power was all that he needed the most so he received.

How did Green Lantern and Batman's Rivalry start 2 Comics

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.