Thanos Beat Hulk

How did Thanos defeat the Immortal Beast, Hulk?

Thanos defeated The Incredible Hulk in the Avengers: Infinity War. This was a huge shock for many fans. After this fight, Thanos came out as a powerful rival with higher opposing skills. Many fans believed that the fight was unjust. Hulk was easily defeated by Thanos with the help of Power Stone. Thanos acquired power stone that bestowed upon him its limitless power to defeat whatsoever come his way. Due to this many fans believed that Thanos got an unfair advantage over Hulk.

Hulk and Thanos

In the Avengers: Infinity War comic book, Thanos without any Power Stone easily defeats his opponent in that very mini-series. Moreover, his opponent had the powerful Power Stone and still couldn’t stand in front of Hulk. And let me tell you, it wasn’t Thanos!

Thanos mad after all six Infinity Stones

Thanos Quest followed Thanos’ trials to gain all six Infinity/ Soul Stones. The first Infinity Stone that Thanos acquired was the Soul Stone. He obtained it from some creature called as In-Betweener. Next what Thanos wanted would make finish his future tasks easily and timely. For this, he wanted Power Gem which wasn’t easy to get because of its protector. Power Gem for which Thanos was going crazy was under the protection of an immortal beast called Champion.

Thanos Mad After All Six Infinity Stones

Thanos put all his efforts into acquiring this Power Gem. He went all the way to the planet Tamarata following Champion. There he saw the immortal beast defeating the entire army alone. Thanos asked Champion if he was interested to fight and the Champion eagerly accepted this offer. He was hungry to defeat whoever comes his way. From the beginning of the fight, Thanos took full control of the fight. He wanted Champion o act in a certain way and which he did as well. Thanos to make Champion angry used some technology against him to protect himself. As expected, this made Champion angry and he planned to use the nuclear bomb over Thanos. Thanos wanted this exact thing to happen.

Just when Champion was about to blow Thanos by a nuclear bomb, Thanos teleported himself away. This made Champion fall on the ground, creating a reaction that devastated the entire planet. Since Thanos knew that Champion was unintentionally drawing his powers from the Power Gem. So, he used this against him and used him as a medium to release this power into the world.

Finally, Thanos defeated the immortal beast, Champion

Thanos Beats The Hulk

After all, this happened, Champion believed himself to be the winner until Thanos explains to him the truth. He told Champion that he wouldn’t be able to ever leave from here without any ship since the whole planet was destroyed. And that he would roam on the planet Tamarat for centuries to follow. Champion soon realized it and begged Mad Titan to help him to get out. Taking advantage of this situation Thanos agreed to help him but in return of his Power Gem. Champion agreed to the deal. So, Thanos transported him to the other planet but didn’t give him a soft landing.

What made Avengers: Infinity War so special?

How cunningly Thanos defeated Champion not by strength but by mind games is what made Avengers: Infinity War so special. Thanos knew that he wouldn’t ever be able to defeat Champion as he was much more powerful than him. Therefore, he used his powers against himself and made him destroy the planet using his powers. Said that Hulk was nothing in front of the Champion so was his defeat.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.