Google Read App

How Google’s Read-Along app is a Blessing for the students?

Google has launched a Read Along Android app that helps teach reading skills to students of elementary school. This app is now available in speedy access in a total of 180 countries. The news about this app’s launch was announced by the company today.

How many languages does Google’s Read Along App supports?

Google’s text to speech and speech recognition technology is used by the Read-Along app and it at the same time provides feedback to the students as they work through this app’s reading games and prompts. A total of 9 languages are supported by this app including English, Portuguese, Hindi, and Spanish. Read-Along was first launched in March 2019 in India as an app called “Bolo”.

Google Read App in Different Languages

There is an “in-app reading buddy” named Diya and it guides the students through the Read Along with app. According to Google, “She gives [kids] positive and reinforcing feedback along the way, just as a parent or teacher would”. “Children can also tap Diya at any time for help pronouncing a word or a sentence.”

Is Read Along App accessible in Offline mode?

Whatever Voice data is collected by Read-Along app doesn’t go to Google’s server but is analyzed on-device itself. If you want your kids to go through news stories and work then you will need a wi-fi connection for the downloading purpose. Otherwise, the App can also work completely offline. According to Google the App doesn’t have ads or in-app purchases and it also won’t require a sign-in.

Google Read App for Kids

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, schools have shut down and therefore students are forced to stay at home. So, this app is going to be very helpful to the students. And Google has also provided free access for few Advanced Google Meet Features to G Suite and G Suite for Education Customers. This access has been extended until September 30th. Not only this Google has also donated 4,000 Chromebooks to rural students in California and has instituted resource pages. This will help teachers and families of students to teach them using Google products.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.