How Has Contagion So Accurately Predicted The Future

How has Contagion so Accurately Predicted the Future?

The world has encountered many deadly viral diseases in the past. From the Catastrophic mortal disease- The Black Death that advanced across Europe in 1346-53. To “Spanish Influenza” that occurred in 1918-1919 and then happened the Ebola Virus Outbreak in 1976. But the largest Ebola Outbreak appeared in 2014-2016 and was started in Guinea. 

When a Pandemic emerges, all countries worldwide will automatically be affected but the impact of the virus may vary from country to country. However, it is also seen that pandemic affects developing countries more than the already developed countries due to the limited financial and technical resources with the former for reinforcing pandemic preparedness. Therefore, the Pandemic readiness plan of action is a must to tackle the global pandemic problem. WHO urges countries to take steps to lessen the social and health effects of this outbreak.

Contagion Movie

To face the pandemic, a multi-sectoral perspective is necessary to be followed by each and every country affected. More inclusive guidelines based on various countries’ pandemic preparedness needs to be drafted by the WHO to aid the affected countries. WHO along with various countries’ regional healthcare organizations has dealt with outbreaks in the past as well.

Jude Law Contagion Movie

The Corona Virus has affected the world widely. It is spread due to the transmission of the respiratory droplets or mucus or by mere touch. Governments throughout the world are taking possible measures to cure the spread. 

Contagion, The Movie

The same kind of virus has been seen in the movie “Contagion” in 2011 that was directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film follows a virus that has been transmitted throughout people by respiratory droplets.

Contagion Movie Marion Cotillard

Beth Emhoff, index carrier of the virus (in the movie) has returned from Hong Kong to the US and meets people. In the process of meeting people, she, unfortunately, infects many people including her own son. She dies after 2 days of her return while collapsing with seizures. Her son dies after a few days due to the same infection. Her husband is asked to live in isolation and because he has been immune, thus, he is saved from the disease.

Department of Homeland Security

Dr Ellis Cheever, representative of the Department of Homeland Security in Atlanta expresses fear as the virus could lead to terror in the coming times because the Thanksgiving occasion is approaching. Cheever asks Dr Mears to leave for Minneapolis in order to investigate the local bureaucrats. While the investigation goes on, she meets knowns of Beth and catches the infection. Dr Ellis dies due to the virus.

Kate Winslet Contagion Movie

The virus has forced the government to follow social distancing and to remain in quarantine. This has raised the number of loots and violence. 

Hong Kong Civil Health Administration

Hong Kong Civil Health Administration is constantly working in China to know the cause behind Beth’s infection. But somewhere China was not ready to accept that the virus has taken its form from the very place.

Meanwhile, Dr Ally in the film has been shown as researching the genetic material of the virus so as to develop a vaccine. She finds the genetic material as the mix of the pig and bat-borne virus. The MEV I is said to be deadly and has a 25-30% mortality rate.

Contagion Movie Clips

People have conspired to gain fame by saying the virus can be cured by homoeopathy medicines. Later he was arrested. Meanwhile, Dr Ally is ready with the vaccine and the vaccine is a success.

Till this time, 2.5 million people have died in the US and 26 million throughout the world. 

World Health Organization

It is WHO that has declared Beth as the index case. She has acquired the virus by mere a handshake with a chef who has slaughtered the pig who has eaten the bat. 

Contagion Movie Jude Law

While the movie showcases the fictional virus that has created a worldwide outbreak. CDC, Centres of Disease Control and Prevention, depicted in the movie actually deals this way and takes every possible measure to cure the disease. It shows the importance to cure the contagious diseases that take place every year. Scientists and Doctors of CDC work 24-7 to check the conditions globally. 

The pandemic has given rise to many thoughts that we are having in times of quarantine. Who is responsible for the deadly Covid-19?

Contagion Movie Coronavirus

How has the movie showcased such an exact scenario of the world, despite being the fictitious one?

Has it already taken a form of a global conspiracy that can never be detected?

Is COVID-19 a man-made virus or has it gained its different grounds?


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