Superman and Supergirl

How has Supergirl Been Lucky For Superman?

Superman owns incredible powers and one of them is shapeshifting. He is known for a lot of powers that he has. Whether it is his freezing ice breath or any. He has different powers for different occasions. Though the long list does not. Include his power of shapeshifting. This also has been broken in Action Comics #303 where he changes to a giant dragon. 

Supergirl and Superman

People are very much familiar with Green Kryptonite and the effect of Green Kryptonite on Superman. But there are more than 20 Kryptonite that not everyone is aware of. One of the important from the list is Red Kryptonite. Red Kryptonite elicits the most shocking side effects. On one hand, other Kryptonites can weaken or remove the powers, whereas, the Red Kryptonite never has the same effect every time. 

Superman Turning to a Giant Monster

In the comic, Superman is on the investigation during the crash of the mysterious egg on the earth. He realizes that the egg is the product of a dragon’s species which is known as Drags. Drangs are known as the dangerous species that are responsible for destruction on the planet Krypton. While Superman has tried to protect Krypton, one of the Drang’s egg has flown through the cloud of Red Kryptonite

Superman Giant Dragon Comics

Later, it is revealed that the egg has shoved itself during the crash. And this is due to the effects of the Red Kryptonite, Superman has turned into a Drang. There have been assumptions that Superman has died as the Drang has killed him. 

Issue #303 reveals Superman as the confused creature who has turned into a monster. He deals with his own self to know the truths behind the change. People have started taking Superman as a devil. And thus, the world has changed against him. Finally, he has been saved by Supergirl as he expresses the truth to her and she believes him. 

It seems Superman is fortunate to have Supergirl by his side. 

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.