How Omega Red murdered Wolverine and Why Comics

How Omega Red murdered Wolverine and Why?

Omega Red murdered Wolverine. The struggle between Omega Red and Wolverine is real. Their paths first crossed in the Cold War. For this Cold War, both Task Force X and Wolverine were sent to Russia to steal the Carbonadium synthesizer.

Since then they have crossed each other’s paths many times. And every time Logan manages to reach the top. Now their fight has taken a quite different turn in the Jonathan Hickman era. Where all the mutants of the world are gathered in the island Krakoa. Both villains and heroes gather in Krakoa despite all the past accounts of them being dangerous. Island of Krakoa’s Quite Council’s member Apocalypse as well as Emplate and Selene have settled there. This means that X-Men has ignored all the doubts of the Wolverine and accepted Omega Red.

Omega Red and Wolverine’s other enemies followed him to a pub in Canada

As far as Wolverine’s doubts about Omega Red are concerned, he was right. Omega uses his hidden Krakoan gateway and tracks Wolverine as he enters a pub in Canada. He waits for Wolverine to lose his sobriety. While waiting there at the bar, Omega Red realized that he is not the only one who was present at the bar and who hates Wolverine. The repeated visits of Logan to the pub was known to other enemies as well. The people who lost their near and dear ones during Logan’s rampages hated him. They all together drugged him and chained him to chair. However, Omega Red only hits the Wolverine when he lost his sobriety. He killed everybody else present there and then used his coils and threw Wolverine into a frozen lake. He was enjoying watching Logan’s sufferings.

How Omega Red murdered Wolverine and Why 1 Comics

How did Omega Red murder Wolverine?

If you are aware of Jason Aaron’s run then you know that this is the only way Wolverine can be murdered. His body can regenerate from any other kind of injury. There was an instance where his body automatically recovered after his body was reduced to a skeleton due to a nuclear blast. However, he is unsafe to drowning.

After so many years, Omega Red has finally murdered Wolverine. He will remain dead until his body is immersed in water.

However, in the issue, Omega Red seems happy to take Wolverine out from the water. As he wants to hand over his enemy (Logan) to Dracula. Because he is secretly working for him.

Wolverine is now in great trouble. Without letting the X-Men about his departure he left Krakoa. Nobody knew that he had his portal to Canada. If Omega Red had dumped Logan’s body in the Canadian lake, not even X-Men could have verified his death. Also, they might not have started their resurrection procedures for at least a few months. If Wolverine is taken out of the lake and if he is resurrected by his mutant powers. Then he is not getting up anytime soon.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.