Beatles In Marvel Comics

How The Fantastic Four helped The Beatles?

Many heroes and villains have been encountered by The Fantastic Four in the past 60 years. This has all happened in the Marvel Comics. However, their weirdest adventure happened when they bumped into The Beatles (The Popular British Rock Band).

This Popular British Band has passed over in pop culture since its debut in the mid-60s. It have never restricted themselves to the music catalog only. They have several times appeared in novels, movies, and television. They appeared in Marvel Universe‘s issue of double dating, which eventually went wrong.

The Beatles Concert

The story ‘Meet The Beatles’ is included in Strange Tales #130. In this story, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm were getting ready for a concert. They are be later accompanied by Alicia Masters and Dorrie. They all took a taxi and reached the concert. Alicia and Dorrie bumped into The Beatles. However, before Ben and Johnny could join them, someone in the concert hall and reveals that something gross had happened.


The Thing and The Human Torch called in

It was later found that the money that was been given to The Beatles was stolen. Immediately after hearing this, The Thing and The Human Torch were called for inspection. The money was very important to be found as there was no other way to pay The Beatles for the concert. Ben and Johnny finally caught the criminals. They were disguised as Beatles, wearing Beatles wigs. They quickly took over the money from the criminals and went back to the concert. As they were about to enter, a group of fans came calling out that the show was over. Ben and Johnny missed the show and couldn’t even have dinner as they had to clean the mess from the robbery. Johnny weeping said, “maybe someday I’ll understand why anyone would want to be a superhero.”

It was very unfortunate that both Ben and Johnny missed the once in a lifetime chance to meet The Beatles live. However, they were successful at completing their duties towards society by chasing the robbers. This ultimately makes the actual heroes of the Fantastic Four.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.