Incredible Hulk Cosplayer Destroyed Trump's Sidewalk Star 1 Comics Trendingetc

Incredible Hulk Cosplayer Destroyed Trump’s Sidewalk Star

An unidentified person in the suit of Incredible Hulk demolished a Donald Trump’s sidewalk star on the Hollywood’s Walk of Fame

An unidentified person dressed up like the Incredible Hulk obliterated a Trump’s sidewalk star on Hollywood’s popular Walk of Fame which existed to honor President Donald Trump. This is not the first when an angry citizen demolished celebrity stars. Bill Cosby and Micheal Jackson both have seen their star vandalized. But no one has ever beaten Donald Trump’s record, this is actually 5th time when a critic showed their anger on the sidewalk star. President received this sidewalk star in 2007 for his television work, including his performances on The Apprentice and infamous work producing televised beauty pageants.

Once Trump’s sidewalk star was destroyed by a sledgehammer just before the election in 2016. Quickly it was replaced by the Hollywood historic fund, but it was destroyed again just in the span of 2 years and restored again. Since then, the sidewalk marker has also been painted over twice—once in 2019 with white paint blotting out Trump’s name,  and again earlier this year it was painted black in the support of Black Lives Matter, Along with a bag full of dog poop hanged In it. 

Trump’s Sidewalk Star Being The First To Get  Demolished

But this is the first time when an Avenger has smashed the sidewalk star and that too Trump’s sidewalk star. The L.A. Times reported that earlier this Friday the culprit was seen destroying the sidewalk star with a pickaxe, police quickly found the witnesses who gave a statement about who saw the culprit smashing around the street.  the LAPD said the case would be turned over to police detectives “just like any other vandalism.” This restoration can cost over $3000. In what could just be an ironic coincidence, the area of Hollywood Blvd. with the Walk of Fame was also, in pre-COVID times, where people in superhero costumes solicited tips for posing for photos with tourists.

Incredible Hulk Cosplayer Destroyed Trump's Sidewalk Star Comics Trendingetc

Trump’s sidewalk star is all set to be replaced again for 6th time, “Any star, which is vandalized or destroyed, no matter which honoree it belongs to will be replaced by the Hollywood Historic Trust,” said the trust’s CEO, Rana Ghadban. “When people are angry with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways than to vandalize a California State landmark. Our democracy is based on respect for the law. People can make a real difference by voting and not destroying public property.”

The cosplayer chose the correct time to make a larger impact as early voting has begun today in California. There’s no doubt Trump has ardent supporters, but to many, especially in the Los Angeles area, it was only fitting that an Avenger took the fight to Trump’s sidewalk star—especially a hero fueled by anger, much like the politician whose star he smashed. But the question is who is that mysterious person?

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