Hulk saved Marvel's Avengers from dehydration Comics

Hulk saved Marvel’s Avengers from dehydration

Hulk is the original member of Marvel’s Avengers as well as in the comic Avengers: Wanted By The Collector. He makes his teammates realize why he is still a relevant member of the always-changing Avengers. 

Hulk is different from most of the Avengers as he easily finds out ways to get out of hard situations. Also, while getting out of uncomfortable and hard situations, Hulk tends to damage things that he shouldn’t. But Hulk is not always the violent beast. Often, Hulk is seen in the purest of form. He has a heart of gold. Though many times he wasn’t able to help his fellow Avengers there are even more accounts where he saved Avengers from getting killed. Also, in Will Quintana, Wayne Faucher, Joe Sabino, Scot Eaton, Ralph Macchio, and Mario Del Pennino’s comic Avengers: Wanted By The Collector, the Hulk saved all the Avengers from getting murdered again. 

Avengers attempted to grab The Collector but someone saved him, Who?

After the Avengers are freed from Taneleer Tivan a.k.a. The Collector’s collection, they confronted him in his extremely large garden. Taneleer Tivan, the collector used micro-blaster to blast but failed to harm Avengers. As soon as Avengers gathered around to grab him The Stranger (a cosmic being) got him and proposes to add him into his won collection. 

Captain America then taunts The Stranger and tells him that Avengers need to bring Collector back on Earth. But The Stranger refuses to do so and rather soaked moisture from the bodies of avengers leading to dehydration. He left them to die. While they were dying, The Stranger used the opportunity and left the place with Collector. Since Hulk was the only superhero who wasn’t dying from dehydration. So, he helped his fellow Avengers and saved them by providing re-hydration. 

Hulk saved Marvel's Avengers from dehydration 1 Comics

The Collector indirectly proved helpful to the Avengers

Fortunately, The Collector had Hydrators in his garden which Hulk used to save his fellow Avengers. He grabbed one of the Hydrator planted in the garden and sprinkled it on the Avengers. They all were successfully re-hydrated and it looked like they were some thirsty plants. 

After they were brought back to life, they all discussed the properties of water. Where Black Panther told them that Water is full of vitamins. And it is because of this property of water they were timely saved from dehydration. Black Panther then shares the importance of water and even says how people waste it without knowing its value in our life. He even quotes, “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.”

Avengers’ near-death situation was really frightening. It looked like it was the end for all. However, Hulk saved them by sprinkling them with water. And he once again proved that he truly has a heart of gold.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.