Hulk's love Affairs as Hulk and Bruce 2 Comics

Hulk’s love Affairs as Hulk and Bruce

The Incredible Hulk has fallen in love many a time in his lifetime. However, Hulk had one love affair that seemed much stronger, real, and long-lasting. Although Hulk’s love affairs were many. It was his love for General “Thunderbolt” Ross’ daughter, Betty Ross. The Hulk was often linked to Betty Ross. Their love always stood apart from all the other love affairs he has had. Although, their relationship has seen many ups and downs they always managed to go back to each other. Hulk’s other love interests include Caiera, whom he met on the planet Sakaar.

Psyklop was the one responsible for one of Hulk’s greatest love affairs

By the 1970s, Bruce Banner and the Hulk being the same person was known to many. So, U.S. Military and General Ross sought to arrest Hulk in any possible way. Even Charles Xavier and Reed Richards helped in the arrest of the Hulk. Before Hulk could be arrested, a worshiper of Dark Gods named Psyklop bought Hulk out of the captivity and imprisoned him using his powers. He had planned to feed him to his so-called masters.

However, Psyklop rather decided to learn about Hulk’s powers and therefore shrank him. While Hulk was in the process of shrinking, the Avengers broke in and a fight began. In the process of the fight, Hulk was by mistake shrunk into a size much smaller than planned by Psyklop. After this happened, Hulk eventually traveled to K’ai, a small world in the micro-verse. As soon as Hulk arrived there, another and the special love affair started with Jarella.

Hulk and Jarella’s love affair

Jarella was the leader of the small micro-verse (K’ai) where the Hulk had traveled to accidentally. Hulk helped Jarella in protecting her city K’ai from multiple creatures attacking the city. When the citizens of the city K’ai came to know about Hulk and how he protected their city they all went to congratulate him and called him their hero. Jarella realized Hulk wasn’t aware of their language and taught him so. In this process, the two fell in love with each other and planned to get married. However, the Visis, a member of the royal family didn’t like the fact that Hulk along with Jarella will now rule the city. he then planned to beat Hulk. Hulk being Hulk proved him wrong and taught him a lesson for a lifetime. the Visis, the villain was then arrested.

However, Hulk’s happiness was soon snatched away by Psyklops as he managed to find Hulk and brought him to his original size. Although Hulk defeated Psyklop he was sent away from the love of his life for a very long period.

Jarella chose his man, Hulk over the Kingdom

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Jarella also was then grown to a normal “average” size. However, there was no chance of her returning to K’ai. Jarella had mixed emotions leaving her city K’ai and being with the love of his life. However, he chose to stay with Hulk. One day, while they shopping, they ran into Crypto-Man, the evil robot. He was robbing a bank and seeing this Bruce then went back to being the Hulk and the fight began.

While they were fighting, Crypto-Man destroyed a building using his laser-beam, the debris was about to crush the innocent living there but Jarella saved their life at the right time. But couldn’t save herself from the debris and was badly crushed. Hulk destroyed Crypto-Man and carried Jarella to provide her medical care. He took Jarella to his old ally, Doctor Leonard Samson, who then told him there was nothing he could do and that she was gone. However, Hulk couldn’t believe it and then turned to Doctor Strange for help. He soon realized that he had lost his love.

We would love to see Bruce and Jarella together completing their leftover love story

Hulk's love Affairs as Hulk and Bruce Comics

Out of all Hulk’s love affairs, Jarella’s love for Hulk and Bruce was equal, unlike Betty Ross and Caiera. As Caiera only loved Hulk while Betty Ross had a love for only Bruce. Jarella was a symbol of love and humanity as she gave up her own life to save the children who she wasn’t even familiar with. Though Jarella and her city K’ai have been mentioned quite a few times in the past. It would be great to see him back as Hulk’s love interest in any of the upcoming MCU movies.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.