Is Black Panther a Murderer

Is Black Panther a Murderer?

In the Shadowland crossover story, Daredevil (Matt Murdock) overpowered the Hand, which was a villainous group of ninjas. This made 2010 a tough year for him. Mudrock initially wanted to help the organization but he was possessed by an evil entity- ‘The Beast of the Hand’. This evil entity made him do gruesome acts of all kinds like murdering his everlasting Rival Bullseye. After realizing his need to ‘heal and reflect’, Murdock decided to travel abroad. And before leaving he asked Black Panther(T”Challa) to keep a tab on Hell’s Kitchen. 

Daredevil: The Man Without Fear

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear is written by David Liss and represented by Francesco Francavilla. It represents a thunderous period in T’Challa’s life. In ‘Doomwar’ that showed Doctor Doom stealing the country’s supply of Vibranium; T’Challa stepped down from Wakanda’s throne. This ended up with a face-off between Black Panther and Doctor Doom, whose comrades included the Deadpool and Fantastic Four. 

Black Panther Comic

After the conflict resolved, T’Challa gave up his kingship temporarily to his sister Shuri and X-Men’s member Storm. After leaving behind his kingdom, Black Panther worked as a street hero just like Moon Knight and Luke Cage. 

In a telephonic interview with CBR, Liss said: “Since I saw this essentially as a story about a man at his lowest point, trying to regain who he is, I was in favor of completely depowering him.” 

Marvel had approached Liss with a simple idea of Black Panther working in the place of Daredevil. He stated, “I was given free reign within the context of the aftermath of Shadowlands“. “All those conditions on the ground being what they were, they said, ‘Pitch us, come up with something, and see if we like it.’ I had a fair amount of creative wiggle room.”

Black Panther’s return to Wakanda

Black Panther Comics

In Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #529, Black Panther defeated kingpin and returned to Wakanda soon after Daredevil’s return to Hell’s Kitchen. As the series never re-launched in 2016, this made the issue the last series of Black Panther title. 

All in all, Black Panther’s period as Daredevil was a decided change for him. As it transformed him from an emperor to a street hero. Black Panther most definitely has convinced of him being the Man without Fear.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.