Captain Marvel and Wolverine

Is Captain Marvel the next big thing after Wolverine?

The most complex character and the most amazing heroine – Captain Marvel. She is the favorite of many. Her darkest side is so dark to be accepted by her fans. A few of Captain Marvel’s darkness was personal. This personal darkness includes the fact that Carol Danvers was an improved alcoholic. Danvers had committed many gruesome crimes possible to mankind before Captain Marvel’s life had begun. She certainly had no regrets whatsoever.

What’s relatable between Captain Marvel and Wolverine?

In the 1970s, Carol was first launched as the United States Air Force Officer-Carol Danvers. She was solely referred to as Ms. Marvel before she had mounted to her current Captain Marvel Mantle. As Logan’s claws are signature to Wolverine so is Captain’s lightning bolt leotard to Carol.

Ms Marvel Comic Puppet Master Bomb

In Brian Reed’s Ms. Marvel #20, Danvers was determined not to have her mind directed by the Puppet Master. Through the art of Greg Tocchini and ink by Roland Paris shined the blue Kree side of Danvers. But when Danvers realized that it wasn’t just some women that the Puppet Master had suppressed but a complete hallway full of female minds, her blue hue soon disappeared. Ms. Marvel lost the plot when she came to know that one of her Lightning Storm’s member was possessed.

Who killed The Puppet Master?

Danvers smashed up the mansion where the Puppet Master was hidden. He was found cringing in his room equipped with statues that he used to possess people. Puppet Master had a secret weapon kept in his drawer to knock down Danvers or anyone else who came near him to kill him. After a lot of swearing between the two, Puppet crawled back to his desk and tried to press the covered button that caused a huge explosion. It killed Puppet Master right away but Danvers walked off unharmed.

Wolverine and Captain Marvel

In the end, Ms. Marvel walked away from the devastation. She didn’t care about the shambles she left behind. Puppet Master’s death left her untouched even when she knew his death was a suicide. She admitted to having killed a man but it wasn’t anything new for her. If Captain Marvel can do such a monstrous act, God knows what else she would do in the future.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.