Is Iron Man's Armor indestructible Comics

Is Iron Man’s Armor indestructible?

Tony Stark made Iron Man armor by using the ultimate durable components. Despite his name being Iron Man, his armor is made up of material much stronger than iron, Titanium. The nanotechnology makes the armor indestructible. However, the powerful lasers, Wolverine’s claws made of adamantium, and Magneto’s ability to manipulate metal have the capability to destroy the Iron Man’s armor.

The Avengers including Ironman, Storm, Spiderman, Captain America, Wolverine, and Giant Girl fought against an Evil team. It happened in Marvel Adventures: The Avengers, where all these Avengers stood against a New Master of Evil team. They broke into to steal few battle suits in Stark Tower. Iron Man and Spiderman together managed to overpower the Man-Bull. However, they faced some real challenges when they encountered the Master of Evils – the Melter.

Who is the Melter?

The Melter was an old opponent of Iron Man. He didn’t have any superhuman powers in general. However, he did have a particularly amazing ability. He used his gun could melt away or liquify any substance. However, it was strange to see that happen as it wasn’t his gun that would produce heat. However, the melting of the objects didn’t injure anybody who touched these burning objects. He often used his gun to break into secure buildings and hallways and to damage heavy types of equipment. He could even melt away Iron Man’s armor using his gun.

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How did Iron Man’s pants melt away?

The archer Hawkeye who wanted to join the Avengers stopped the Melter from harming anybody. The Masters of Evil ran away stealing the battle suits and leaving their teammate behind. The Melter refused to surrender and he melted Iron Man’s pants that Tony was wearing at that time. This moment made Spiderman laugh whereas Tony Stark was very embarrassed about the wardrobe malfunction that happened there. He ran straight to the armor lab. So, can the Melter also destroy Iron man’s armor?

The Avengers fought back

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Later, the Masters of Evil rescued Melter and continued to do similar crimes. They even implanted a bug on Captain America’s suit that helped them to track their location and movements. Avengers realized that there was a bug attached to Captain America’s suit and removed it right away. The Avengers then tracked down the team. Spiderman using his web locked up the Melter and told them “Your only mistake was melting Iron Man’s pants”.

Melter in spite of being a comedic villain had amazing powers that could liquefy any armor suit of any Avenger whatsoever. It looks like the most devastating power to have. Tony Stark should work on creating an armor suit that would save him from the Melter’s gun. If a villain can melt away Iron Man’s pants, he should be given some footage. What say?

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.