Nightcrawler the only Speedster in X-Men Comic

Is Nightcrawler the only Speedster in X-Men Franchise?

X-Men, Nightcrawler teleportation and acrobatic skills are known to everyone. But very few know where these skills extend to. The films have not done justice in exploring his powers and skills. Comics has justified the Kurt Wagner’s powers. The lovable blue mutant whose teleporting power is faster than a speeding bullet.

Nightcrawler can no doubt push his powers way beyond anyone can imagine. This was evident in X-Men Legacy #235. Kurt traveled over 800 miles in fewer than a minute by using his teleporting powers several times. He did this along with Rogue as they were together in their fight against Bastion and pursuit of Cable and Hope. Both of them are two of the strongest X-Men ever.

Other Speedsters in the X-Men Franchise

There are other Speedsters in the X-Men franchise as well. When Kurt went along with Rogue, Wolverine made sure that alien Ariel stays with the remaining team. However, Ariel’s teleporting powers come with some loopholes. Her powers are of use only when there is a door near her so that she could bend time and space. This means that she is not much of a help to the team if the roads are wide open.

Cyclops motivated Nightcrawler to find Hope and save the mutant-kind from getting extinct. It becomes very difficult for the X-Men to find Hope and get her back to Utopia. Bastion makes all this harder by stopping them from using Cerebra. Bastion uses his Cerebro technology to track the X-Men. He launched a missile on the car but the team behind Rogue and Kurt somehow survived unhurt.

So even there are other Speedsters in the X-Men. Nightcrawler will remain the best of them all. As his powers don’t come with limitations like Ariel’s. He even can push the boundaries of his powers and make the most of it.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.