X Men Emma Frost

Is Skill More Important Than Power In Marvel Comics?

Skills matter more than the power you have. The X-Men‘s Emma Frost has probed the same. When she beats Rachel Summers. Marvel puts heroes against their own heroes, and fans have loved this since long. The heroes fighting with the heroes in the Marvel universe love to duke out. 

X Men Emma Frost Comic

Fans have always been keen to witness these battles. Maybe this is the reason why the creators often pay more attention to the mutant powers. These mutant powers are also known as Omega Mutants which is defined as “a mutant whose dominant power is deemed to be a register– or reach–an undefinable upper limit of that power’s specific classification.” Examples are Storm, Iceman, Jean Grey and Franklin Richards. They’ve also included Rachel Summers who is the time-travelling daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey. 

Emma Frost Lessons On Skills Above Power

Uncanny X-Men #452 is a reminder that shows that skills matter more than power. The issue focuses on the tension between Emma and Rachel, this has resulted in psychic violence. Rachel has always resented her relationship with Emma and her father. Rachel blames Emma for the sabotaging of the teleporter. And this time, Emma feels to teach her a lesson.

Rachel Summers Psychic Armor

Rachel was dreaming of having a physical fight, but the telepathic attack has thumped her out of the sky. “Since you persist in acting like a baby,” an irritated Emma observed, “perhaps you should look the part.” This is Emma’s perception of Rachel as a kid. 

Rachel gets up and is ready for the fight again, and Emma decides to give her a lesson to remember. “Primal emotions can be fuel for our powers.” Emma realises that telepaths can result in rage as a weapon “only if properly controlled.”

Rachel is left helpless at the end, unable to have the power to beat Emma. Emma along with her lessons teaches her that power is not everything. Skills and training win most of the time. And we feel the same. We appreciate the skills above the powers that we own.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.