John Cena To Be Seen As Spiderman Villain In A New Fan Art Entertainment

John Cena To Be Seen As Spiderman Villain In A New Fan Art

New fan art imagines John Cena as Spiderman villain and Sinister Six member Sandman.

John Cena is gradually becoming a mainstream movie star. He had made waves after having a comedic role in Trainwreck produced by Judd Apatow. He will next star as The Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad. 

The Sandman has not done very well on the big screen. The Sandman was one of 3 villains in the sequel. It was played by Thomas Haden Church in Spiderman 3. While Church’s performance could not be faulted really, in fact, the character was underwritten in the movie. It was famous for being the worst trilogy of Raimi. Sandman was teased for an appearance in Spiderman: Far From Home. But the movie had shown the creature to be a creation of the villain, Mysterio. 

Concept artist Jackson Caspersz has now created a piece of fan art that shows John Cena as The Sandman. He has given four hands because the character does not have a sensational armor to draw. His version is quite accurate. John Cena is wearing a green striped shirt. 

Here You Can See The Fan Art:

The art is cool and the extra arms take the shape of the head of a morning star. 

And definitely, Cena is an outstanding choice to play the character. He has a good look, physically and has the acting chops to play a delightful and persuading villain in the MCU. Unfortunately, the character’s stature has been smudged by his appearance in Spider-Man 3.

Thus, it will take a lot for fans to accept the genuine version of the character. However, there are hopes as Sony has plans to put together Marvel characters. Sony’s plans to put the Sinister Six movie as part of Sony Pictures Universe (Marvel Universe). And this fanart proved him to be a classic Spiderman villain. 

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