Neil Patrick Harris Villain Keanu Reeves Neo The Matrix 4 Entertainment

Keanu Reeves Returns As Neo On The Sets Of Berlin In The Matrix 4

Keanu Reeves will be seen as Neo in The Matrix 4.

This is known to almost everyone. Keanu Reeves has returned to playing Neo on the Berlin set of The Matrix 4. This is not a surprise to his fans. But in fact, they are super excited to have a glimpse of him as Neo again. Keanu Reeves has shared his views about the producers who are thoughtful enough for The Matrix 4. 

He said that the producers have “thoughtful, effective protocols in the place”. This was to keep crew and of course, cast safe from the infection of the virus. While promoting Bill and Ted Face the Music online, he has spoken about The Matrix 4 and his character as well.  

This is an honor for the actor to play NEO again. Also, it is an honor for his fans to watch him again as Neo in The Matrix 4.

He said, “I’m here in Berlin with the sirens, but you know the– there are some really thoughtful, effective protocols in place, and the rhythm of filmmaking has been not really impacted or interrupted.”

His Team Is Scrappy

Keanu Reeves is seen to be enjoying the project already. He calls himself and his team scrappy. He continued, “I think everyone loves the project and just really– if you’re ever going to get into any kind of situation that needs to be figured out or how do we do this, show business people are the best. We just– we’re scrappy. We know how to get stuff done. We’re inventive. We think on our feet, and that kind of spirit, kindred spirit of just coming together.”

“It goes back to like “Let’s put on a show.” We got that feeling. “We’ll get some props. We got some things. We’re going to run it.” And that spirit is definitely alive and well on The Matrix,” he added.

However, this is already an official announcement. But let’s still wait for more details to come about The Matrix 4.

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