Kiefer Sutherland Is Excited To Play Jack Bauer Again 1 Entertainment

Kiefer Sutherland Is Excited To Play Jack Bauer Again

Kiefer Sutherland will be reprising the role of Jack Bauer.

Kiefer Sutherland has shown his excitement as he said he is very happy while thinking about reprising a role. Kiefer Sutherland said that he is extremely happy and excited to reprise the role of Jack Bauer in 24. He guessed that the movie could work well. 

Sutherland was featured as an anti-terror agent in 9 seasons of the hit show and TV film 24: Redemption. It was released in 2009. He makes it possible to make a return. 

While speaking to Forbes, he said, “I’ve been banging my head against a brick wall for a movie for so long that I’ve got a concussion.”

“Honestly, the form more 24 would take doesn’t matter to me as much as the quality of the story,” he added.

“If someone comes up with a great story that can be told in two hours, then we’re going to make a movie, but if someone comes up with a great story that could be 24 hours, we’ll do the show.”

For him, 24 is one of the most dynamic experiences that he has ever had in his life. In the show, the character was able to have highs and lows simultaneously. And this, he considers as a gift. According to the actor, there are few setups where one is allowed to be so, to be his own. He was allowed to have incredible fun in challenging situations.

Kiefer Sutherland Is Excited To Play Jack Bauer Again Entertainment


Sutherland also said, “there have been nine seasons, and I think it rests in a credible place. The difficulty is you don’t ever want to do anything that is going to damage that.”

24 is all about Bauer in “real-time”. Each episode of almost an hour represents one hour of Bauer’s life. Each season has 24 episodes but the ninth season has only 12. The show was a success critically and commercially. It picked many awards during its spawned spin-off series, 24: Legacy. Though, Sutherland did not appear in it.

Earlier in January, the executive producer, Howard Gordon told Deadline Fox about his interest in the revival of the show. He said, “Fox certainly wants to do it, and we’re talking. When I say talking, what it will be, the big headline being, it has to be worth doing. We can’t do it to just do it. We want to find the right story.”

“Todd Harthan who is running The Resident is working on it. I’m a friend of the court.”

According to the reports, the new series would be having a “revival element”. Sutherland and other key members from the cast could be seen in the new series.

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