Line of Duty's season six will be winded up by Christmas 1 Entertainment

Line of Duty’s season six will be winded up by Christmas, says Martin

Martin Compston, Line of Duty star disclosed that the six season will be winded up by Christmas.

Line of Duty’s sixth season shooting was stopped following the coronavirus outbreak in March. However, Martin has now come up and revealed that they now have decided on a “definite” date to get back to the leftover work.

Credits – BBC

Martin Compston talked about Line of Duty season six

During an interview, Martin said, “Well, I’m in dire need of a haircut and I’ve also got a few lockdown pounds I need to lose before we get back.

“We’ve got a definite date that we’re working towards but there’s no point announcing it because the situation’s so fluid, and it can change daily, so hopefully we can get it done before Christmas.”

“I think there will be changes,” he said.

“I mean there’s going to massive changes off-camera just because of the protocols and the social distancing. Like how many people can be on set, no congregating, people off-camera wearing masks.

It’s going to be a completely different feel.”

Compston even promised the new episodes will be pretty good, adding: “In terms of the changes…we really wouldn’t want to compromise the scripts. The scripts are so good, and people are so loyal to the show. There would be no point coming back if we’re going to compromise quality.”

Line of Duty's season six will be winded up by Christmas Entertainment

It sounds exciting enough for the fans. isn’t it?

Line of Duty’s creator-Jed Mercurio

However, Jed Mercurio, the creator of the show was not very hopeful about the possibility of starting over.

He said: “Until wider society has the public health infrastructure of test, trace and isolate in place it’s going to be very hard for anyone.”

Moreover, since the lockdown restrictions are now significantly reduced across the UK. And many TV shows have resumed their filming and producing works that were stopped abruptly due to the coronavirus pandemic. It looks like fans will not have to wait for a longer duration for their favorite show.

And probably we will get to know who H is. Hopefully!!

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.