Mandalorian Season 2 trending etc

Mandalorian Season 2 Shows Other Than Luke Who Else Enjoyed Fall Of Empire

The flashback from the second season of Mandalorian shows other than Luke and friends who else enjoyed the fall of Empire.

The first episode of Mandalorian season 2 picks up the journey from where Return of Jedi has left. There is no surprise to see that Disney+ intergalactic series is continuing the legacy of the Star Wars trilogy and its sequels, by being the connective tissue of the franchise it is expanding the Star Wars universe.

The third installment of the original Star Wars trilogy gave the taste of the long-awaited victory of its hero, whose hits and fists on the Forest Moon of Endor became the reason behind the destruction of supreme Death Star II. With the end of Empire reign the survivors, including the series famed holy trinity of leading characters, celebrated their great victory.

Mandalorian Season 2 trendingetc

But a flashback shown in the first episode of Mandalorian season 2 shows that Luke and his friends were not the only ones who enjoyed the fall of the Empire. Cobb Vanth the new entry revealed that Tatooine the home-world of Luke also saw Return of Jedi’s final act. Residents of the Tatooinian mining settlement, Mos Pelgo, were seen enjoying the destruction of Ultimate Death Star II with the help of holographic projection. The fall of the Empire’s weapon of mass destruction was met with an eruption of cheers from the occupants of a local cantina as Vanth looked on. But the joy didn’t last long as the bandits found the right opportunity to attack the bar, without wasting time they capitalized on the chaos created by the fall of the Empire.

Lucky Vanth manage to survive that experience and with the help of his repurposed Mandalorian armor was able to get the village out of bandits hands, the series clearly showed that the fall of the Empire was the real reason behind the chaos on Mos Pelgo. In the first few scenes, Peli Motto tells Din Djarin that after episode IV the settlement was wiped off the map. This dark truth is in stark contrast to the rosier picture painted in the final minutes of Return of the Jedi, further complicating the idea that the Rebellion was completely victorious.

As the second installment of Mandalrain continues it is expected that it is going to create the bridge that is going to give a new perspective to the old Return of Jedi events. Exploring this part of the timeline comes with a slew of considerable challenges, but Jon Favreau (with the help of Din Djarin and his little green companion) may just be up to the task.


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