Martian Manhunter Vs Green Lantern

Introducing Martian Manhunter Was A Better Alternative Than Bringing In Green Lantern

Originally, Green Lanterns were supposed to be in the movie in place of Martian Manhunter, however, the change turned out to be a better choice.

Justice League Snyder Cut is finally out and has outdone all the expectations that fans had. An amazing storyline and brilliant cinematography combined to deliver a spectacular masterpiece. It was by far superior to the theatrical cut of the film that was released in 2017. While the movie was in all perfect, Snyder’s original plan for a film had some minor differences from the actual movie. Justice League was supposed to be the crown jewel of DCEU and Snyder had a well-thought plan about how the individual heroes should unite to form the team.

Zack Snyder's Justice League Cameo
Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Unfortunately, he had to step down from the project when his daughter, Autumn, died from suicide. His replacement, Joss Whedon, ended up turning the movie upside down, making severe changes to it with the consent of Warner Bros. of course. While some characters were removed from the movie, others were rebooted through entirely different story arcs. Snyder cut’s release on HBO Max gave the fans the opportunity to notice the amazing scenes and arcs that they were initially robbed off. However, there were a few scenes and characters that did not get featured in either of the versions despite being a part of Snyder’s original plan.

Snyder’s Original Idea

Zack Snyder originally intended to introduce Green Lantern Corp in the DCEU through Justice League. John Stewart, the Green Lantern whose sheer Will exceeded the limits of the power ring, was originally supposed to appear in the movie. Snyder even filmed a scene with the badass Emerald Knight. Unfortunately, during the principal photography, Warner Bros denied Snyder permission to use him in the movie. Due to the restriction by Warner Bros., Zack couldn’t even use Hal Jordan, the original Green Lantern in the movie. This conflict went so far that at one point Snyder was even quit the project.

Green Lantern Zack Snyder
Green Lantern

Martian Manhunter’s Debut

Even though Green Lanterns were not used in the movie, Zack used this opportunity to introduce Mar’s last surviving being into the DC Extended Universe. Harry Lennix made his debut in the DCEU as General Swanwick in “Man Of Steel”. The character was supposed to be just a military official in the movie but fans started to speculate that this character was in-fact the Martian Manhunter in disguise, taking refuge on Earth. Although there was no concept where this was true, Snyder decided to adapt this fan theory in the Justice League’s story.

Martian Manhunter’s Debut
Martian Manhunter

The character initially appeared in the movie posing as Martha Kent, paying a visit to Lois Lane, in order to check on her. This was also seen as an act of making up to Lois for being unable to do anything to save Superman’s life in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. He then reappears in the end meeting with Bruce, telling him about his intentions of stepping up as a hero after getting inspiration from the League’s actions. Although watching the classic Green Lanterns would have been fun, watching Martian Manhunter was just as much of a bonus to the fans.