
Marvel Fans Say Something Interesting About Heartbeat, A Cosmic Cloud

Marvel fans think, heartbeat is a cosmic gas cloud and beating suggests Galactus’ coming. 

2020 has come bringing struggles and clashes along with it. Who would have thought of a virus that could seize every life? There is no doubt that the year is filled with major significant events. It starts from the global pandemic to the discussions about inequality, justice, and righteousness in society. There are still a few months left for the year to bid farewell, we are not sure of what the next day would add to this year. 

Many people have started making memes and jokes about what the rest of the year could bring to us. Because there are still some unexpected things that obviously have not taken place. An article from The Independent went viral on Monday. The article has reported that “heartbeat” is a cloud of cosmic gas. According to the article, “heartbeat” is detected from a cosmic gas cloud that is 15,000 lights years away from humans. 

This was discovered after the researchers have gone through the data of around 10 years. The data is looked upon from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. They have found that the gas cloud that they are “resonating with a heartbeat” seems to be “beating”. It also had a rhythm from a black hole nearby.

The Extraterrestrial Despot  

Jian Li, a researcher said in a report, “Finding such an unambiguous connection via timing, about 100 light-years away from the microquasar, not even along the direction of the jets is as unexpected as amazing. But how the black hole can power the gas cloud’s heartbeat is unclear to us.”

This brought Excitement for a lot of people 


This news has excited a lot of masses. Also, it has gained a lot of different responses. According to many, this could mean that a sort of extraterrestrial despot could be on its way to Earth. This could also make 2020 more momentous and serious. 

Here is a different angle to the story. According to Marvel fans, this conversation is going in a different direction. For fans of Marvel, heartbeat is the signal of Galactus coming to the Earth to gobble up the planet.


While the other wrote, ” so September 2020 is Galactus”.

“I’m turning on all of yall and siding with Galactus”.

There are many tweets that are supporting their arguments that have taken a somewhat interesting turn. 

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