Microsoft New Saviour During The Pandemic

Microsoft – Our New Saviour during the Pandemic

The Email problem that is faced by almost everyone is not new but has troubled offices for more than a decade now. To make us all at ease, the Tech Giant – Microsoft has pledged to fix this problem. The new Office 365 feature that will enable its customers to keep a tab on and stop “reply-all email storms” – circumstances. So, the employees will able to select the “reply-all” option in the email that might have sent to a group of staffers.

Microsoft’s Office 365 feature will make our lives easy

Microsoft Saviour

Emails that aren’t relevant can clog the inboxes and therefore can slow down servers if enough people ring in on the same thread. The option to block reply-all chains will ease out many functions of the large organizations.

Microsoft said, “Over time, as we gather usage telemetry and customer feedback, we expect to tweak, fine-tune and enhance the Reply All Storm Protection feature to make it even more valuable to a broader range of Office 365 customers”.

When was the move announced by Microsoft?

Although Microsoft announced this move in 2019 but it was made effective in May. This came out certainly because more Americans have been working from home lately. Communication through effective emails has become very important than it was ever because employers send notices to hurriedly close or enlarge calls to work from home. The company said that it has used an internal event as inspiration.

Microsoft All Storm Protection Feature

In 1997, an employee asked to remove himself from an email list accidentally reached out to 13,000 other employees about the request. To this many other employees responded with “Me Too”.

The company said,” Within an hour, 15 million messages were generated. “It brought Microsoft’s Exchange servers to a slow crawl. It took two days to clean it all up”.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.